Ethercraft multi-line inventory

2 min readJan 15, 2018


If you have a lot of inventory on a problem you might run into is that not all of it can fit on the screen.

One way to solve this is by using custom CSS. This is a guide on how to accomplish that using a commonly available browser addon called Stylish.

NB: Customizing CSS can change the appearance of a website, not its function.

This is the addon you want to install


Install the addon in your browser. You will know that you have succeeded when you see a small button appear in your browser similar to the one seen in the logo in the image above.

  1. Click on the ‘Stylish’-button
  2. Click on the three dots in the top right window that appear
  3. Click ‘Create New Style’
If you see this you are headed in the right direction.

Four steps need to be taken on this page.

  1. Give the new style a unique name, e.g. ‘Ethercraft’.
  2. Copy-paste the following code into the code-section:
inventory-manager .inventory-content, [data-is=”inventory-manager”] .inventory-content { display: inline }

3. Change the ‘Applies to’-section to ‘URLs on the domain’, and specify ‘’.

4. Make sure that you are looking at something that looks very similar to the following image:

5. Click ‘Save’.

That’s it! Now visit your inventory at to ensure that it worked.

Such lines, much wow

