The Ultimate Guide To PulseChain Opening Price Analysis

3 min readOct 27, 2021

Everyone in the PulseChain telegram chat is anxiously awaiting the news of possible dates for the launch of the energy efficient, fee burning, cheaper and faster alternative to Ethereum known as PulseChain. One poll on twitter right now has people guessing the dates of the launch to be anywhere between November and January.

Everyone is excited and people are still sacrificing to the address even though the rate is at 125x what the day 1 sacrifice offered.

You can follow the PulseChain sacrifice address on EtherScan by clicking here to watch how much money is still flowing in every day. Probably not the best play at this point as that money could be used to buy on opening day but to each their own. The point I am making is the desire to buy Pulse is strong and for many different reasons.

With this desire to buy people are obviously going to have price predictions for what Pulse will initially be offered at on exchanges. Some of the more popular threads on r/PulseChain have taken stats and relevant history to formulate some interesting price predictions. To me the most interesting post and discussion takes place in the link below with…

