The CryptoCurve Ecosystem: Built on Three Pillars of Mass Adoption

4 min readJun 28, 2018


CryptoCurve is building an ecosystem that simplifies the complexity of blockchain technology.

Blockchain technology has the promise to bring unmatched financial access and freedom to people all over the world, but collectively we are still a long way from the user mass-adoption required to make this a reality.

CryptoCurve is working to drive adoption of blockchain by building an ecosystem that breaks down existing technological barriers and enables users to seamlessly interact with all their digital assets across different technologies and systems.

We’ve designed the CryptoCurve Ecosystem to engage three core audiences: investors, developers, and emerging companies. These groups are best positioned to accelerate the pace of change and represent the three pillars that will serve as the foundation for the continued spread of blockchain technology across the globe. For more information, feel free to read our entire Whitepaper:!

Pillar 1: Investor

Investors make up the vast majority of blockchain users and are CryptoCurve’s primary focus in the first stage of building our ecosystem.

The Curve Wallet will help experienced investors find new efficiencies in their trading and will decrease the learning curve to welcome new investors into the space. With CryptoCurve’s Curve Wallet operating as the ‘Front-End’ of Wanchain, the Curve Wallet pairs limitless reach across the Wanchain network with a seamless user experience in the palm of your hand. This combination of a powerful back-end and intuitive design will be essential to driving adoption with both experienced and new investors.

The Curve Wallet is a next generation wallet that simplifies investing, trading, and asset management across all blockchains. More than just a wallet — The Curve Wallet is a multi-blockchain platform built to simplify crypto asset management for new investors and provide experienced investors complete control over their portfolios with next generation features. Intuitive features in investing, trading, and accounting allow for custom pooling, advanced asset tracking and management, securities-compliant ICO investing, in-app trading via a decentralized exchange, and easy transactions through fiat gateways.

In addition, integrations with Wanchain, Aion, and ICON (the Interoperability Blockchain Alliance) will allow our community to benefit from increased scalability and interconnectivity across the CryptoCurve ecosystem. For more information, read our Aion & ICON Integration Announcement on Medium here:

You can learn more about the Curve Wallet here:

Pillar 2: Developer

Investors are a crucial part of blockchain technology’s present, but developers are the pioneers of blockchain technology’s future. New applications solving new problems will be an essential part of blockchain’s continued growth. In the current blockchain industry, there are many different tools needed for each individual blockchain. CryptoCurve is focused on creating tools and resources for this second core audience of developers.

Through the CurveSDK, a software development kit where one can easily build and create new blockchain applications on the CryptoCurve platform, we aim to harmonize the divides among developers and captivate their creative potential. CurveSDK simplifies blockchain development to help you build the dApp of tomorrow, today. CurveSDK is a developer ecosystem that brings all the technology, tools, and resources you need to build sophisticated blockchain applications with increased flexibility, scalability, and reliability. Get started quickly, customize your on-chain and off-chain tech stack, and stay up to date with the latest tutorials and resources.

You can learn more about the CurveSDK here:

Pillar 3: Emerging Companies

Lastly, our final core audience is among new and emerging companies. The growth of CryptoCurve’s Investor and Developer user base will make our ecosystem a valuable destination for both projects preparing for their ICOs and blockchain companies that have already moved past the ICO stage.

Curve Labs connects you with the best blockchain startup accelerator programs across the globe. In order to achieve mass adoption, CryptoCurve saw tons of value in connecting companies with the best blockchain accelerator programs so companies can reach their full potential, with an expanded community network, at any stage of their project. Whether you’re just starting out or are looking to take your project to the next level, Curve Labs will help your company reach its full potential by connecting you with legal, finance, business development, marketing, PR, and technical support. WanLabs and Pulse Lab sits at the center of CryptoCurve’s strategy for engaging this audience.

You can learn more about CurveLabs here:

Through our focus on these three pillar audiences, CryptoCurve is building an ecosystem that not only serves the blockchain user of today, but also helps make blockchain a reality for the users of tomorrow.

Read the “CryptoCurve’s Public Token Sale” Medium article for more information regarding our crowdsale.

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Serving Blockchain Users Today, Building The Blockchain Reality of Tomorrow