Spells of Genesis: Gameplay

Crypto Keeper
1 min readApr 10, 2017


This is a companion piece to my main article about blockchain-based trading cards.

SoG gameplay

To start, the first pretty-disappointing aspect to this game is that. . .it’s not really a card game. It’s an arcade-style game where you select a few cards, and the characters on those cards become your “team,” with various abilities. But you’re not playing cards from a deck like you do in actual card games like Magic: The Gathering, or Hearthstone.

It’s a bit hard to describe the gameplay, so let me just link a video of one of the team members playing and explaining it.

In summary, you have 4 team members that take turns shooting at various enemies on your screen. The enemies are represented by simple spheres. Sometimes there are obstacles in your way. It’s just not that compelling.

Additionally, when I tried to play the web version I was unable to sync my counterparty wallet to the account I created, which is necessary to be able to use my blockchain cards.

As I mentioned in the main article, the full version of the game has not actually been released, so it’s possible there will be significant improvements.

However, from what I see so far, I don’t think the game will be terribly popular for the gameplay itself. I believe there will simply be value in collecting and holding the cards, as they are relatively rare and are the first-of-their-kind blockchain-based trading cards.

