How BullToken actively minimises risk for investors.At the core of all investment platforms needs to be a model to protect its investors against minimising any losses. Different platforms…May 26, 2018May 26, 2018
Why Robot Investors are taking an interest to the BullToken ICORobot Investors (also known as Robo Advisors) are automated investment services which are essentially pre-programmed computers robots who…May 18, 2018May 18, 2018
How the 4 most common types of investor will use the BullToken platform.There have been multiple studies trying to work out what the average Crypto investor looks like. These polls are usually done through a…May 14, 2018May 14, 2018
Interesting things I learnt from the BullToken FAQ video.Whilst researching the BullToken ICO I came across an FAQ video made by some of the team members. The video was a community inspired style…May 13, 2018May 13, 2018
What are the benefits of the Investment Advisory Board (BullToken ICO)?In a previous article I outline the focus of the Investment Advisory Board on the BullToken platform. In the post I outlined some of the…May 3, 2018May 3, 2018
Who is the Investment Advisory Board on BullToken?The BullToken ICO has changed the way traditional investors are thinking about investing in ICOs. Rather than researching through 100s of…May 3, 2018May 3, 2018
Why Karma Points on the BullToken platform are going to change the way we invest in ICOs?BullToken: Karma PointsApr 26, 2018Apr 26, 2018