These are some of the habits that I have found useful for being a successful investor.

Ishmael Muhammad
4 min readSep 28, 2023


If you want to be a successful investor, you need to develop some habits that will help you achieve your goals. Here are some of the habits that I have learned from my own experience and from other successful investors.

1. Always be Learning (ABL). The world of investing is constantly changing and evolving. You need to keep up with the latest trends, news, and opportunities. Read books, blogs (Like mine.😁), podcasts, and newsletters. Attend webinars, workshops, and conferences. Learn from your own mistakes and from others. Never stop learning and improving your skills and knowledge.

2. Have a plan. Have a backup to your plan. And have one more plan. Investing is not a gamble. You need to have a clear strategy and a vision of what you want to achieve. You also need to have contingency plans in case things don’t go as expected. What if the market crashes? What if your investment loses value? What if you need to cash out? Have a plan for every scenario and be prepared to adapt and adjust.

3. Don’t have all your investment in one place🚫. There is a common wisdom that says there is strength in diversity. You don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket. You want to diversify your portfolio across different asset classes, sectors, industries, and regions. This way, you can reduce your risk and increase your chances of success. You also want to diversify your sources of income and have multiple streams of cash flow 💵.

4. Utilize social media platforms for sentiment. Watch 👀 for where the attention is at the moment. Social media is a powerful tool for investors. You can use it to gauge the mood and sentiment of the market, the consumers, and the influencers. You can also use it to find new opportunities, trends, and insights. Follow the people who are experts in your field of interest, join relevant groups and communities, and engage in conversations and debates. Be careful not to fall for hype or misinformation though.

5. Watch the government👀. The government is always watching money and they key advantage is that they move slowly so you need to take advantage of that. The government plays a big role in the economy and the financial markets. They set the rules, regulations, policies, and taxes that affect your investments. They also have the power to stimulate or slow down the growth of certain sectors or industries. You need to be aware of what the government is doing and how it impacts your investments. You also need to anticipate their moves and act accordingly.

6. Keep both eyes 👀open in the world. Know what other sectors are doing outside of the country you live in. Remember money has no border🛂. Investing is not limited by geography. You can invest in any country or region that offers attractive opportunities and returns. You can also benefit from the global trends and developments that affect the world economy and the financial markets. You need to be aware of what is happening around the world and how it affects your investments.

7. Be diligent in security👮. Secure your seed phrases, your passwords, your authenticators, and anything else of value (Credit cards💳, Social Security number). Investing involves dealing with sensitive information and valuable assets. You need to protect them from hackers, scammers, thieves, and fraudsters. You need to use strong passwords, encryption, authentication, and backup methods. You also need to be careful about who you share your information with and where you store your assets.

8. Automation isn’t a silver bullet. Understand the place of automation but keep in mind that it has flaws and can be attacked. Utilize code or software that you trust but know that you must follow the points listed here to be a successful investor. Automation can be a great tool for investors. It can help you save time, money, and effort by automating tasks such as trading, analysis, research, and portfolio management. However, automation is not perfect or foolproof. It can have errors, bugs, glitches, or vulnerabilities that can compromise your investments or expose them to risks. You also need to be careful about trusting code or software that you don’t understand or control.

9. Have balance. Take time to reflect on where you where and where you are going. Take time for your family and friends. Know that they are more important than being an investor.

10. Investing can be rewarding but also stressful and demanding. You don’t want to lose sight of what matters most in life: your health, happiness, relationships, and values. You need to have balance between your work and your personal life. You need to take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. You also need to take care of your loved ones who support you and cheer you on.

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Ishmael Muhammad

ARMY Vet | Solo-Entrepreneur | Passionate Writer on Crypto, AI, Tech, Cybersecurity, and Investing | Seeking to share insights & foster knowledge exchange.