How to Make That Poker Face

Social Cryptonia Poker
2 min readJun 26, 2018


What’s a Poker Face? How do pros keep their poker face amidst all the pressure and provocations?

In this post, we will show you how you can keep your calm and bluff your emotions by keeping a poker face.

Lady Gaga sums up the poker face,

“I’ll get him hot, show him what I’ve got

Can’t read my

Can’t read my

No he can’t read my poker face”

Here’s how you can make that poker face, too:

1. Stay relaxed and in control

To maintain a poker face, stay relaxed, and mind the expressions on your face. Stay calm, no matter how the game goes.

2. Blink naturally and make eye contact

Keep your eye movement as natural as you can. Make regular eye contact with other players to show your confidence and even get an edge over them. Blink naturally and don’t stare at one thing. Too much blinking can pass you off as nervous and too less can do the same, too. Just relax and be natural.

Don’t look sideways from the corner of your eyes. It look suspicious. If you want to look at something, turn your head and look at it confidently. Keep your brows and eyes relaxed.

3. Wear sunglasses

You can wear sunglasses if you wish to look left and right, and do not want the other players noticing that.

4. Breathe naturally

Stay calm and breathe naturally throughout the game.

5. Talk naturally

Keep talking to minimal, and nod if you don’t want to talk. Keep your voice calm. Some players even talk a lot to intimidate their opponents.

6. Keep a relaxed body posture

Keep your body relaxed, shoulder up, and body straight. Shake it up a bit to relax your muscles before you start playing. Do not fidget with your hands, lips, and clothes, and don’t rub your face, arms or hands.

7. Keep lips together and jaw relaxed

Do not clench your teeth, keep your jaw relaxed. Keep your lips together, as it saves you from giving away your good or bad expressions.

8. Conceal stress

You must not show your stress or excitement to the other players. Do not swallow untimely; do it naturally. Use a stress ball under the table, if you like, but nothing conspicuous.

Keeping your calm is the key.

Practice your poker face, posture and voice in front of a mirror, and then go all out with you poker face.

Play more, win more!

