Cryptonite Live!

The first live video-cast platform where viewers can reward presenters and each other cryptocurrencies (the Cryptonite PRO coin — CPRO). Seeking production partners and on-air hosts.

4 min readSep 20, 2022
Cryptonite Live! produces on-site and beamed-in interviews, panel discussions, and selective live event coverage.

Introducing Cryptonite Live!

Cryptonite is a business, expertise, and crypto reward-driven social network designed for global entrepreneurs and risk investors. We offer a growing number of hours of live video programming. Cryptonite Live! highlights business, innovation, and geopolitical news commentary and trends, companies to watch, growth stock and crypto investing, entrepreneurial management, and features high-end and clever entertainment content.

Viewers can rate and reward live guests with CPRO coins (CPROs), comment in real-time, and see and connect with others watching the show. Demographically, Cryptonite viewers represent the most potent demographic on the planet in terms of thought-leadership and personal and professional buying power and influence. Cryptonite offers English and Spanish versions of its network and multi-lingual caption options.

Interested in participating in our programming production and development?

Cryptonite seeks production partners and co-hosts to fill 24 hours of daily global programming highlighting top entrepreneurs, innovation and economic trends, investment opportunities, and high-end entertainment.

To reach our quality programming goals, Cryptonite seeks out and will experiment with a variety of high-IQ and clever programming that best matches the interests of our business and innovation-savvy viewers.

If you are interested in hosting live Cryptonite content, please fill out the Cryptonite Wizard form.

If you are a production company or an interested party that wants to pitch your content ideas, please fill out this brief interest form.

The full-screen Cryptonite Live! video player — with all the interactive bells and whistles. Cryptonite Live! programs feature up to six participants.
The full-screen Cryptonite Live! video player in ‘Peace Mode” — Video without the interactive bells and whistles.
The Cryptonite Live! video player allows viewers to rank and reward participants with Cryptonite PRO coins — a first in the world of live broadcasting.
Viewers may also ask questions and make comments featured and rotated at the top of the video player (slot machine-style) and in a rolling feed under the player.
Top Wizards, including Cryptonite founder and editor Anthony Perkins and VC-kingpin and Bitcoin billionaire Tim Draper host regular programs.
Cryptonite Live! produces a weekly ‘Top Company Pitch’ program featuring a selection of community-touted private technology companies operating in the global Silicon Valley. Two Cryptonite Wizards with proven expertise in the sectors represented by the pr4esenting companies will co-host each show.
As you scroll the screen down to see all the comments, the list of viewers, programming and ratings and reward stats, and more show tabs, the live show miniaturizes to the top of the screen.
Unique to Cryptonite Live!, viewers can see all the members watching each show in real-time and archived format and sort the list by duration view time, ratings, rewards, name, company, and country. Members can quickly access expanded professional profiles, connect, and direct-message other members for business networking and fundraising.
After each live show, Cryoptonite Live! displays all the rating and reward totals and other show stats in a summary screen updated in archived form.
Select Cryptonite Live! shows featured on the four major podcast platforms: Apple, Spotify, Google, and Amazon.
You always know what show is next on Cryptonite Live!

Join the Cryptonite Live! Production team

If you are interested in hosting live Cryptonite content, please fill out the Cryptonite Wizard form.

If you are a production company or an intested party that wants to pitch your content ideas, please fill out this brief interest form.

Meet the Cryptonite Wizards

Our Wizards lead the Cryptonite community by sharing insider knowledge on the innovation trends and emerging new companies that matter.

Click here to apply to be a Cryptonite

Cryptonite Telegram Group

Until our network app launches in the Fall of 2022, we are building a community on the Cryptonite Wizard Telegram Group by allowing our Wizards and Founding Members the ability to post and share. At the same time, the rest of the world may observe and learn.

Click here to join the Cryptonite Telegram Group.

Copyright © 2022 Cryptonite Ventures Corporation




Born out of the heart of Silicon Valley, innovation entrepreneurs and risk investors come to Cryptonite to teach and learn.