Setting Sail

The Cryptonomic Aperiodical
3 min readJul 17, 2018

Introducing Galleon: a wallet for Tezos based on Tezori

Cryptonomic is delighted to share Tezori, an open-source codebase for Tezos wallets. The name combines the Italian word tesori for “treasures” with the Hindi word tijori for “vault”. We open-sourced Tezori under the GNU GPLv3 license on June 26 and the code has now been updated to work with the Tezos betanet along with supporting libraries Conseil and ConseilJS.

In the spirit of decentralization, we invite everyone to play with the code: test it, improve it, extend it or just use it as you wish. For those who are technically inclined, we’ll provide resources for setting up your own deployments of the wallet and supporting systems. In the coming year, we’ll also be sharing additional tools so that the entire stack can be run in a decentralized manner with no need for trusted servers or nodes.

We would once again like to thank the Tezos Foundation for their grant in support of this wallet.

Galleon deployment

In support of the Tezos betanet launch, we’re also providing the community with Galleon, a deployment of Tezori which runs on our infrastructure. Galleon allows you to unlock and activate your fundraiser account, delegate your tez to your favorite delegation services and transfer your funds to new accounts. Builds for Windows, Mac and Linux are linked below.

See below for some instructional videos on how to use Galleon. We are also maintaining a FAQ to assist with common issues and will keep adding to it as we get more user queries. If you need further help, the best way to get immediate support is on our Riot channel. We also offer support over email at if you need discretion, but responses will take longer.

Like Tezos itself, Galleon is still in beta. Please bear with us as we scale and stabilize our systems in the coming weeks. We’ve been working on a very aggressive timeline and the code is still undergoing rapid development, so we greatly appreciate your help in cataloguing issues as they emerge and your patience with unscheduled downtime. Security is of paramount importance to us — the code has undergone three independent security reviews and been part of a HackerOne private bounty program — so we especially look forward to feedback from the security experts of the Tezos community.

You can download Galleon from the Galleon wiki page. Please follow us on Twitter or check the Tezos subreddit or the wiki page for information on new versions and notifications about serious issues.

Tutorial Videos

Tentative Roadmap

We will soon be publishing a roadmap for future work on the wallet. In the short term, we are focusing on stability and UI / UX fixes.

Potential medium and long term features include:

  • Support for hardware wallets
  • Preset smart contracts
  • Fully decentralized deployments
  • Integration with baking tools
  • Arbitrary contract invocation
  • Governance features

If you are a developer interested in the stack behind Tezori / Galleon, follow us on Twitter or Medium to hear about our upcoming dev tool launches. We’re committed to making Tezos as accessible to developers as it will be for regular users.

It’s been quite a journey creating a cryptocurrency wallet from scratch in mere weeks. We haven’t slept or seen the sun much but the thought of delivering something for the Tezos ecosystem kept us fired up and going. Now we’re excited to see how the community wants the wallet to grow.



The Cryptonomic Aperiodical

NYC-based startup committed to decentralization and digital sovereignty.