Jason barry
1 min readOct 20, 2015

Use of search engine marketing to build brand identity

Search marketing is the process of gaining traffic and visibility from search engines through both paid and unpaid efforts. Search marketing involves search engine optimization to earn traffic through unpaid or free listings and search engine marketing where traffic is bought through paid search listings.

Originally called “search engine marketing,” the shorter phrase “search marketing” is now often used as the umbrella term over SEO and SEM. The longer phrase “search engine marketing” — or SEM — is now typically used to describe paid search activities.

SEM benefits an online business to promote their products and services through search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. It is a useful method to promote a product to a vast internet user base through a simple keyword search. SEM includes contextual advertising, and paid banner placements to increase the visibility of websites. Benefits of SEM are far reaching.

SEM helps maintain consistent and targeted online traffic. SEM facilitates online reputation management. It helps sustain targeted audience and maintains overall consistency of the marketing process.

A search engine marketing service provider will help you in brand image building, by increasing the visibility of your website on search engines. They will also help you in faster and cost-effective implementation.

Delhi being an economic hub, it has many internet solutions providers. These agencies cater to many national and international organizations find their bearings on the internet. SEM services in Delhi are easily found and they offer quality services at affordable costs.