Cubiex and Bravado Gaming sign strategic partnership

Cubiex eSports
7 min readApr 8, 2019


We are thrilled to announce, that we have signed a strategic partnership with Bravado Gaming — the leading esports organization from South Africa!

About Bravado Gaming

Bravado Gaming is Africa’s (located in South Africa) premiere multi-gaming organization and serves home to some of the best local and international competitive gamers (e-sports) while simultaneously building a lifestyle, gaming brand. It is our aim to help the progression of e-sports both locally and internationally by raising levels of competition and increasing public involvement and developing corporate opportunities.

Established in 2006, as one of South Africa’s oldest competitive teams, Bravado continues to grow from strength to strength.


A local scene where the paradigm of gaming is shifted from hobby to a lifestyle, and the standard for e-sports events and competition are at a world-class level.


To bring e-sports to the masses by creating a lifestyle brand that unites the gaming hobbyists, enthusiasts and professionals under one banner.


Bravado began as a competitive Counter-Strike team in South Africa early 2002 which shortly after disbanded. Bravado Gaming was re-created in 2006 by Andreas and Dimitri Hadjipaschali with the main goal of developing a very competitive multi-gaming organization and simultaneously, a very reputable gaming brand to the e-sports enthusiasts. The name was was re-created and re-branded and registered as a legal entity into what is today, South Africa’s premiere e-sports organization.

Throughout the years Bravado Gaming has served home to some of the best gamers while simultaneously partnering with many reputable sponsors and partners, namely: Steelseries, Internet Solutions, Roccat, Mweb, Intel, Dell, Alienware, Razer, Courier It, Corex, Apex Interactive and many more.

The organization and brand has also been featured on various mass media platforms throughout radio, television, various magazine and newspaper publications. Some of many of these platforms include but are not limited to: Sky Sports, Carte Blanche, Supersport, Business Insider, Brainstorm Magazine, 5FM, MetroFM, YFM, JacarandaFM, Forbes Africa, CNBC, The Citizen, ENCA, Cliff Central, SABC, E-TV, The Verge, Tech Express, GINX TV, and many more. It is within our vision and mission to ensure that exposure for the organisation, brand and e-sports in general is at an occuring and re-occuring status as we grow stronger. Learn More About Our Players


Partnerships, affiliation and business association with the corporate sector have always been one of Bravado’s main objectives when aiming to grow from strength to strength. Bravado Gaming has succesfuly partnered with some major names within the IT, Social and Lifestyle industry and plans on expanding bigger and stronger in the future. Our organization serves as an ambassador to some of the best and most reputable brands from around the globe. Additionally, we have also worked side-by-side with our partners, sponsors and celebrities on campaigns, activations, media opportunities and more.

Bravado Gaming also offers work and opportunities to many third party corporations. One of these examples includes campaigns performed for NuMetro Cinemas in South Africa on the Jason Bourne film. You can check out our profile by heading over to our Webfluential Profile.

Team Cubiex and Bravado are thrilled to be now working closely with each other to push both brands globally and especially to strenghten Bravado Gamings leading position in the South Africans eSports and Gaming market as being an ambassador for Cubiex eSports and supporting us in building our brand locally in SA.


Although South Africa may not be recognized that much for eSports and gaming, South Africa definitely has great talent and teams looking for ways to gain more exposure in eSports and are looking for better ways to connect online, share their gaming experiences and also monetize their gaming activities. After several talks with Bravado Gaming, both Cubiex and Bravado came to the conclusion that it makes sense to enter into a strategic partnership!

The goal is to certainly create more awareness for eSports and gaming on an amateur and pro-series level in South Africa, as well as present South Africans and their passion for gaming to the world. One way of doing this is by enabling them to team-up and create social networks through the Cubiex platform as well as the Cubiex live-streaming service.

There are a lot of semi-professional and professional players out there who are also looking for better ways how to connect with new esports enthusiasts, form and find teams and other players, as well as how to produce content and share it with their community. While traditional social networks might not necessarily target the right community, at Cubiex, semi-professional and professional players will be able to connect with gamers from all over the world and share content with them, while at the same time getting rewarded for it.

Incentivization on traditional social networks, that are not necessarily tailored to the needs of gamers, is a big problem. Cubiex solves these issues by providing an all-in-one community, where gamers from all different skill levels will have the chance to challenge each other over tokens, trade their favorite in-game items with each other, livestream their daily gameplay or simply create content on their personal timelines while being rewarded for doing so.

As we all know, just in CSGO for example, there are more than 50 million gamers in the world, but in reality only a few dozen teams travel the world or generate income through their competitive eSports career.


Bravado Gaming has a long history that goes back to 2006. It is the certainly the most well recognized gaming brand in South Africa itself, and is well recognized outside of the African continent entirely, such as in Germany, where people such as Pierre see its success and rise to glory. Cubiex is a product coming from gamers to gamers, it’s being built with a lot of passion and with the focus on customer service and providing value to the average gamer at home. Read more about Bravado Gaming here.

After speaking with Bravado’s management, the companies quickly realised that they share the same enthusiasm and dedication not only for their respective organizations and players, but for eSports and gaming in general. That basically made Bravado Gaming a perfect fit as a strategic partner and ambassador for the Cubiex brand on the African continent.

Cubiex works with a variety of Core-Influencers and has a very strong exposure in terms of Co-Marketing and social media activities. Cubiex will, throughout 2019, provide a series of dedicated influencer campaigns to raise awareness both for Bravado and Cubiex and expand both audiences. Cubiex is currently building and developing their ground-breaking blockchain powered ecosystem, that is currently planned to be fully live and active by Q1 2020.


Founder and CEO of Cubiex, Pierre Chahine lives close to the city of Frankfurt in Germany. He’s obtained a number of banking and business degrees and has been a private banker for the past 10 years. He’s worked for different banks such as Volksbank and Santander Private Banking and Private Bank Schilling where he managed the fortune of HNWI.

Besides Pierre’s pull to the financial market and banking, he’s been a long-time gamer who has lived through the evolution of amateur to competitive gaming, which is in simpler terms, the arrival of esports. He started as a gamer around 1999/2000 with the very first version of Counter-Strike, which first started out as a hobby of his and quickly turned into an ambition that inspired him to become the one of the very best players. Pierre found his first friends online at that time “in the IRC Quakenet” where you’d team-up up with others, connected through some very early and poor quality voice chat software and tried to challenge other teams.

Since then he has almost spent 10 years taking part in various online and offline leagues and tournaments, played on a competitive pro-series level in Counter-Strike 1.6 and led different teams as a team-captain and manager. Around 2010 when Counter-Strike 1.6 was not that popular anymore he decided to shift his attention on his banking career but always watched the gaming scene (specifically the eSports side of things) evolve and develop.


Cubiex is a platform for every type of player- from an amateur level to a professional level. Everyone can create her/his own eSports profile, finding like-minded friends through dedicated filter functions such as by “location, city & game”. So it will be possible for the CSGO Gamer from Cape Town to directly connect with friends from her/his regional area, form a team and participate in competitions. With all its additional features such as matchmaking, live-streaming and virtual in-game items trading, Cubiex will provide a great opportunity for gamers from all over South Africa.

Cubiex offers a variety of services targeted to different audiences and community participants in the eSports and gaming ecosystem. You might be an eSports fan and content creator, who just plays on an amateur level and likes to find new friends and share content on a daily basis on your profile. Then you are the target user for Cubiex. Cubiex is very well aware of the fact, that the internet connection could be an issue for potential gamers who like to participate in the P2P Matchmaking System of Cubiex. They are therefore strongly looking at having their own servers located directly in South Africa to bring a better connection for gamers.

Cubiex, as a gaming community aims to finance itself through transactional commissions, premium accounts as well as external revenue streams such as through marketing agencies, sponsorships, live-streams and many more.

We do not support the game-plan that traditional social networks play to, by secretly collecting as much sensitive data as they can to then selling it to unknown third parties. We strongly believe that we live in an era where self-governance and the freedom to decide which kind of information we’d like to share with the public and support it this mindset. — Cubiex

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Bravado Gaming social media:







Cubiex eSports

Cubiex is a next-generation tokenized social network for eSports & gaming enthusiasts, with the vision to connect gamers on a global basis.