Farewell, Old White Men

Cud Blay
1 min readApr 20, 2017


I wrote this back in December, 2016 and didn’t publish it. Sorry.

The time of the old white man is at an end

Bernie Sanders has proven that the era of the angry old white guy who has more than the average American has come to a close

Women must rise up and fight fascism, point for point

Women should unite, worldwide

Consider Poland’s uprising as a model

Confront Propaganda

Turn off Fox News

Refuse Breitbart

Is your family holding its breath between headlines?

The cycle of “News” and anger, that anticipation

What will they do next?



Cud Blay

I am Cud Blay, star of The Brown Bunny. I enjoy: ridiculing films; Jack Daniels Whiskey; and, Gordon Lightfoot cover bands. I also write.