Tales Of Broadband Privacy: Facebook Facial Recognition

Cud Blay
2 min readAug 5, 2017


I imagine Facebook, your internet service provider, your telephone company, and your email service provider to crunch your data and loop in facial recognition technology. Putting the information together you could do things like …

You’re walking through the mall, a camera at a kiosk recognizes your face via FaceBook facial recognition. Their computer alerts the employee: they know what kind of cell phone you have, what color preferences you have signaled on social media and in your email, and their algorithm suggests they approach you with two specific products. ‘Hey, how’d you know? This is perfect!’

You’re at the airport, a camera at the security booth recognizes your face. You are matched with a post you ‘liked’ on Twitter and detained. You get to wait while the security guards search your bag with more scrutiny. You don’t get to eat and nearly miss your flight.

You apply for a job, get an interview, and your potential employer uses Skype to discuss the opportunity. Your image is used to identify you and the interview is cut short because the interviewer is alerted that you’ve been talking about “I have cancer” on your Cricket cellular service, relayed through the AT&T network, delivered via a Verizon cell tower to a Sprint handset that your family member owns. One of those telecommunications companies thought it best to alert insurance companies, who shared that information with employers via a new ‘high risk candidate’ screening service.

There’s a knock at your door. It’s the police. They have a national voter registry and it looks like the algorithm has detected a number of markers in your Federal Social Profile that indicate you are likely to commit or instigate violence.

We’re almost there:
Minority Report (2002)

Inspiration and Background

Facebook Is Using an “NRA Approach” to Defend Its Creepy Facial Recognition Programs

Tales of Broadband Privacy



Cud Blay

I am Cud Blay, star of The Brown Bunny. I enjoy: ridiculing films; Jack Daniels Whiskey; and, Gordon Lightfoot cover bands. I also write.