7 Ways Water Filtration Systems Save Your Business Money

3 min readJul 18, 2022

Proper water filtration systems can be the lifeblood of certain small businesses. From providing clean drinking water to clientele and employees, to extending the lifespan of equipment, industrial water filtration systems are a wise investment. Businesses that install a commercial water treatment system or industrial water filtration system routinely achieve additional cost-savings in the following the ways:

7. Water Filtration Systems are More Cost Efficient than Buying Bottled Water

Whether for employees, or for business meetings with clients and vendors, the costs of providing bottled water can quickly add up. Rather than purchasing bulk water in gallon jugs, businesses can achieve cost-savings by installing a point-of-use industrial water filtration system. The filtered water costs mere cents to the gallon, and is highly affordable in comparison with bottled water. Employees and customers will be sure to notice how much better the coffee tastes!

6. Water Treatment Systems Improve Product Quality and Eliminate Outsourcing

Any business knows that quality is king. For many industries where the quality of the product hinges on the quality of the water used in processing, like those in pharmaceuticals and electronics, installing a commercial water treatment system can eliminate the need to outsource the supply of purified water. Industrial water filtration systems can be engineered to meet even the most stringent water quality standards.

5. Water Filtration Systems Mean Less Chemical Usage and Lower Maintenance Costs

Whether you are running a spa facility or dry cleaning service, the quality of your water can make or break your business. An industrial water filtration system removes unwanted dissolved minerals and particulates at the source. When combined with a water softener, the resulting soft water will be much friendlier to clothing, skin, hair and machinery, and detergent and chemical use will decrease.

4. Water Filtration Systems Reduce Utility Bills

When industrial water filtration systems are used to remove unwanted chemicals and minerals from water at the source, fewer deposits are left behind as the water passes through pipes and machinery. As a result, machines are able to run more efficiently, resulting in lower utility bills.

3. Water Filtration Systems Reduce Cooling Tower Equipment Failures

Untreated water leaves behind scale, corrosion, and microbiological contaminants as it passes through cooling towers, resulting in a loss of heat transfer and reduction in productivity. An industrial water filtration system can prevent costly equipment failures and ensure product quality is not adversely affected.

2. Water Treatment Systems Reduce Boiler Blow-Back

Chemical treatment and softening or water purification along with filtration of the boiler feedwater is essential to reducing or eliminating boiler blow down. A combination of an industrial water treatment system and chemical water treatment system is necessary to reduce or eliminate suspended solids, scale buildup and prevent corrosion to boiler tubes and pipes. A benefit of reducing blow down is the significant cost savings in the wasted energy and chemical sent to the drain.

1. Water Filtration Systems Extend Equipment Life and Improve Operational Efficiencies

An industrial water filtration system removes rust-causing minerals and deposits, extending the life of your equipment and preventing corrosion to pipes. When corrosion and lime-scale build-up are not present, machinery does not have to work as hard to pass water through piping, resulting in more efficient operations.

Any business looking to achieve cost-savings through increased efficiency of operations, should consider the purchase of an industrial water filtration system. Industrial water filtration systems can be custom-engineered to meet your specific industrial or commercial water treatment needs. For more information on investing in a quality water filtration system, visit CulliganIndustrialWater.com

