Why Cursory Exists?

Cursory App
3 min readMay 30, 2015

Cursory enables better learning and more knowledge retention by helping you discover the ideas and key insights from varied sources of knowledge — blogs, podcasts, videos, slide decks and books.

Circa summarizes news and Blinkist summarizes non-fictional books so that just the key takeaways are what we remember. Both of them are simply amazing, but along with news and books, we gain knowledge and our lessons come from:

Insightful podcasts

Informative decks on the likes of SlideShare

Sagacious posts on Medium and other blogging platforms

Valuable lessons written in the form of eBooks by fellow entrepreneurs

And inspirational TED and other video talks

We tend to read, listen & view them, but it is hard to keep track of key lessons for future reference. Even if save them on the likes of Readability or Pocket, we hardly tend to revisit them or even when we revisit them, we need to skim through them again. The only way is to take notes, make a succinct summary and save it in your Evernote or similar note-taking app so that it is easily accessible. This is a problem that many of us face.

Cursory solves this problem in three ways:

1) It helps you discover the knowledge present in all the aforementioned forms of media in an abridged form. You can always refer to the full version for additional insights.

2) You can save and tag the takeaways in your dashboard for future reference. This way when it is required you can quickly glance through it.

3) You can create your own summaries and takeaways, save it for future reference and also publish it for the wider audience.

Our mantra is: NTL;DR — Not Too Long; Do Read. For our initial beta version, we plan to focus on the topics of Startups & Entrepreneurship, Growth & Marketing, Design, Product Management, Strategy & Management, Technology and Personal Growth.

TL;DR: Please tell us if we should exist -http://cursory.co? (or write to us at ahoy@cursory.co) Thank You!

