What are Industrial Refrigerants and Its Types

Cyber Soft Solution
2 min readSep 17, 2015


Become acquainted with a couple of nuts and bolts about the mechanical refrigeration industry. What is the apparatus utilized for, and what does it comprise of?

Common Applications

In any food industry efficient industrial refrigeration gives its intrinsic role in growing the company towards success. So as to keep fresh the ripen bananas and fish the industrial cooling and refrigeration system are widely used in Melbourne. These systems require keeping dairy products chilled at each times.

Almost in every retail stores, industrial or commercial buildings the air conditioning systems are being used. It is most common use of refrigeration to transform warm air into cool air.

At manufacturing premise the industrial refrigeration Melbourne is essential for several cases. For example, it is utilized to liquefy the gases such as oxygen, nitrogen and methane.

Types of Refrigerants

The most widely recognized refrigerant utilized is anhydrous ammonia, likewise alluded to as NH3, R-717 or essentially alkali. It is the most prudent of the part, which contributes majorly to its wide utilize. The chemical has different preferences too, for example, its magnificent warmth exchange and latent warmth properties. Ammonia, not at all like some of its partners, is biodegradable and does not add to the obliteration of the ozone layer.

Carbon dioxide is a naturally well disposed refrigerant as it is basically gas recuperated from the climate. It is overwhelmingly utilized as a part of circumstances where especially low temperatures are needed.

To know more about refrigeration system click here.

Components of Refrigeration System

The evaporator assumes a just as vital part. It retains warmth, permits warmth to bubble off the refrigerant to a vapor, and permits the warmth to supercharge the remaining vapor.

A condenser is required to prohibit latent heat and sensible heat from entering the industrial cooling and refrigeration system.



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