CycloShieldCoin, July 19 update

2 min readJul 28, 2019


It’s been a while since our last update and it’s time we reach out to the community

Over the last few months we have reinforced the team with a new member, Erik, who is a top class engineer with a couple of successfully funded Kickstarter projects in his pocket

His experience will definitely help us achieve our goals this time

Carlos, our marketing expert, has been conducting market research ahead of the redesign of our new version. We can’t say much much about it to avoid tipping competitors off but can say it’s going to be lighter and better looking than any of our previous versions by miles. Codename: CycloShield X

Not only have we extended the team, also our facilities got better equipped, with new (and expensive) 3D printers and better access to rapid prototyping tools in our new workshop

On the CycloShiedCoin side of things, as explained in our white paper and interviews, our token is primed to be the real time road data collection token: everything happening on the road such as dangerous spots, speeds, traffic, reckless drivers, etc . Bicycles and motorbikes acting as data collection agents, rewarding users for their participation and preparing this data for big data analysis and consumption is s revolutionary idea

Jaguar is considering rewarding users for real time road data collection, good to see we were the pioneers. Car manufacturers or any other company willing to join our technology are welcome to use our interoperable API

We are also in contact with a potential partner for a joint venture, negotiations are confidential at this stage and we’ll publish an announcement as soon as we can

A large investor (again) approached us wanted to buy a large percentage of the total supply but we couldn’t agree on important terms such as the lock up period, we can’t accept unfair conditions

We also discourage using ForkDelta anymore, and for those asking, Uniswap is the new way to go

Remember CycloShiedCoin didn’t have ICO funds and it’s a low cap, hard work project

Read more about CycloShieldCoin on our website

Join our telegram channel to stay tuned

