CycloShieldCoin, our journey to the coin that saves lives

5 min readNov 13, 2017


Not just another token

If you have reached this article, you have to be very interested about this unique project. So let’s start from the very beginning.

Frank, Javi, Luis and Tana are four guys from a small Spanish island called Lanzarote. This place is quite popular as tourist destination all over the year, the wonderful weather conditions allow you to take a sunbath in December or enjoying a scuba diving immersion in January, at one place into the Northern Hemisphere. As you can imagine by now, it’s also an excellent place for training during the winter, for any kind of sport.

Football is the king of all sports in Lanzarote, like any other place in Spain, but the sportspeople you will find easily in our hometown are cyclists, many of them actually world-renowned triathletes. You can meet them along the 465,1 kilometres of road, when you are driving your car, and that happened in August 2014. One car hit one cyclist and ran away, leaving him hurt on the road. Luckily, a few minutes later another car stopped to help, but what could happened if that person is badly injured and nobody sees him?

At that moment we realised that there wasn’t anything in the market able to solve this problem, and we decided to start working to find a solution for it. Four people with different skills and tons of enthusiasm, trying to change the world for the better.

For some months we spent our free time developing CycloShield, the first device able to record drivers who don’t respect the safety perimeter for cyclists, and more important, able to send a geo-located SOS alarm in case of accident. The first prototype was tested, but was very weak and unstable, so we decided to make it stronger, autonomous and multifunctional.

The second prototype was completed at Summer 2015, everything handmade, and we were quite happy with the feedback and its performance. The next step was manufacturing at small scale. That’s the moment we understood how big the challenge was. Lanzarote has zero industry, and the parts we were using in our prototype were really hard to find, most of them we bought online from UK, where Frank had already moved for professional reasons. After some research and consideration, we decided to incorporate CycloShield in the UK, because it was cheaper, the tax system was so much better for startups and we would have better access to any kind of industry.

But we still didn’t think about the main question, money. For us it was impossible to raise an amount of money even close of the minimum needed to start manufacturing, but our level of enthusiasm was higher than ever. After some brainstorming we decided to focus our effort in a crowdfunding campaign with three main objectives: get capital for manufacturing, show our device to the world and have feedback from users worldwide.

Kickstarter was the platform chosen for us. But even we have as a team a lot of different skills, marketing is not one of them. We spent several months planning our campaign, following advice from different successful Kickstarter entrepreneurs, but wasn’t enough. We paid the price of being rookies. The community gave us a lot of feedback: the device is quite expensive (£359), so heavy and the functions aren’t clear enough. We failed, but thanks to that experience we met some professionals kind enough to give us advice to improve our device. That’s how CycloShield Nano was born: An open source, lighter, faster and cheaper device despite having even more functionalities.

CycloShield Nano

We decided to follow a new direction, if the autonomous device is so heavy, let’s make another one connected to your smartphone. By the way this allow us to reduce the number of hardware components, resulting in a cheaper gadget. But we are still facing two problems, how to build a community of users, in which information is shared bidirectionally, and getting money to manufacture it. At this moment another opportunity appears in front of us, why not try an ICO?

Create a token for a physical gadget? Cyclists using cryptocurrencies? Yes, we know that it could sound odd for some people, but this is a good solution for many problems. We want to apply machine learning and big data to our app to predict problems, find best routes and even discover statistically dangerous stretches of roads no public authority has been made aware of, getting information from our users is vital for that, why not paying them for it? Cyclists enjoy discovering new routes, why not buying that information from another CycloShield Nano users? And of course the ICO allow us to start manufacturing asap.

Our platform is an state of the art road safety device but any users with an smartphone could still benefit from using our App even without buying the device. This where another source of income for the projects will benefit from a crypto token: Ads. Think of how valuable our specialised user base can be for Advertisers targeting cyclists, these corporate users will have to buy our CYS token as there won’t be any other way to pay for Ads on our App.

Sounds like a hurdle for corporate users? Well, we thought the same and decided to build an Online Token Store for a frictionless buying experience

And if this token is good enough for users to be rewarded and Advertisers to buy Ads, it is definitely good enough for us: Customers will be able to acquire our products paying with CYS.

What about investors? We care about them, not only we have shown why our token will have value, but we’ll have a token burn program in place. 20% of all tokens we receive via sales and Ad-sales will be burnt for good. The better our company do, the better for token holders (including our customers, who get rewarded in it)

If it was not enough, CycloShield LTD is an innovative startup, with several R&D active lines for a variety of safety solutions. We are creative and we have fun testing concepts.

Don’t miss out for our Pre-Sale at a 20% discount, it will last only one week and is opening soon, the 1st of December. Hosted by a trusted and reliable platform

and for more information, check our website:

