On Being a Pro Cyclist — Australian Summer

Cylance Pro Cycling
4 min readFeb 7, 2017


The traditional beginning for the race season has changed in recent years, with many teams opting to begin their new campaigns during the height of the Australian Summer with the Santos Women’s Tour, Race Melbourne and the Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race. With six days of racing in all, the Cylance Pro Cycling women’s team sent a squad focused on winning the first bunch sprints of the season, and with three victories, before January’s end the team flies back to Europe with spirits high. “On Being a Pro Cyclist” is series where we ask our Cylance Pro Cycling athletes to tell us more about specific moments throughout the season. We hope you enjoy the inside perspective of some of the world’s most inspirational athletes.

Photo: KirstyBaxter

Danielle King — Cadel Evans Great Ocean Road Race

The time I spent in Australia was a special one- going from never riding a bike with my teammates to feeling a sense of such a bond within days. I can’t put my finger on why we worked so well together but it just clicked. I have so much respect for each and every one of the girls and also learned so much throughout this period. Two parts of the experience that stick in my mind regarding trust happened in the Tour down under. The first was when i was going for an intermediate sprint (usually hectic bunch sprints are something i have never got involved in and something I would be nervous about). However I wanted to test myself and Marta told me to follow her and she had the confidence in me that I could do it. I’ve had tendencies in the past to panic and do to much too soon but this time I trusted Marta 100% and put total trust in her. Sure enough she put me in the perfect place to execute my sprint, I picked up a few seconds but it was a moment I won’t forget, the moment it struck me how much experience and commitment to one common goal my new mates had!

The second was a similar moment with Kirsten who I shared a room with for the last week of my time away. In the last road stage of TDU we were coming into the sprint where i had a job of leading her out. I was really nervous to do a good job, however she kept me calm guiding me through exactly what I should do whilst travelling at speeds of up to 50kph and trying to stay as close to the gutter as possible. I’m already excited about my next opportunity to help in this scenario.

Overall i was just so overwhelmed by how the team bought into Manel’s tactics for one goal. It is selfless and it is what wins bike races!

Photo: Tim Bardsley-Smith

Marta Tagliaferro — Santos Women’s Tour Stage 4

Let me say I’m thankful to have the possibility to be part of this fantastic family. I spent a fantastic period of training and races with Cylance Pro Cycling Team in Spain and Australia and I’m sure it’s only the beginning of a year full of fun and successes.

This picture represents a lot of emotions for me: first, a great happiness because when a teammate wins it is always a team victory. Second, it was important for me because I was the last rider of a perfect team work to let Kirsten win the stage. I felt important because everyone believed in me and for the first time I wasn’t scared to do a fatal mistake during the last kilometers of the race. I was sure about my abilities. It’s not easy describe all the emotions I felt in that moment but when Kirsten hugs everyone after the race when we win and also when we don’t win it means we are a great team and this is the most important thing for grow up everyday and never give up!

Thank you another time, I’m the happiest rider in the world.

My favorite part of Australia was Adelaide and the Tour Down Under. I love warm temperature and I felt really good. We did all we planned before the race, in the same way we imagined during the meeting. When this happens we for sure can do a great result.

Photo: Bart Hazen

Rachele Barbieri — Santos Women’s Tour Stage 2

This picture for me concerns a beautiful , funny and unforgettable moment!

The first victory of 2017, thanks to a perfect work of a great team!

I’m very happy with my first podium in the Elite world but very glad I shared with my teammates!

It ‘was funny because I was so so happy that I did not believe then Kirsten tell me “stay quiet” ahaha!!

The evening after the race we laughed a lot and we made another nice day not only for the victory but also for the great group that we have created!

I think for me Australia will remain a place full of memories!



Cylance Pro Cycling

UCI Women's World Tour Team & UCI Continental Men's Team #bringthegreen