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Semantic tags of HTML

HTML5 Semantic Elements Learn Now!

Naveen Gumaste
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


We use the semantic elements for code readability to the screen reader and devs . The semantic elements helps in clean code and SEO too.

Observer the below code snippet what all it contains, its all connected to the semantic tags

Html boilerplate
This is the base of a HTML Code (Boilerplate)

What are Semantic Elements?

A semantic element clearly describes its meaning to both the browser and the developer.

Lets take some examples

  • Non-semantic elements: <div> & <span>- tells nothing about its content
  • semantic elements: <header>,<aside>&<section>-clearly defines its contents.

Here you can see the layout of a semantic page

Semantic page
Ex Semantic page layout

The direct children of the body must be wrapped in semantic tags to indicate users about the various purposes of different parts of a webpage.

Semantic Code

HTML <header>Element:

The <header>element represents a container for introductory content or a set of navigational links.

1 one or more heading elements (<h1> - <h6>)
2 logo or icon
3 authorship information

A header for an <article>:


A Image Tag

Image tags (<img>) must contain alternative text (alt=" ") for a screen reader to read out loud to the user.

For example,

<img src="images/flower.jpg" alt="Pink flower">

However, images with no semantic meaning — such as those which are solely decorative — or of limited informational value, should have their alt attributes set to the empty string (“”). [Learn More Here]

[Some Resource Used]

Author : [Naveen Gumaste]

