Move Aside “Blue Whale Challenge”, It’s Time For The “Yellow Dolphin Challenge”

4 min readAug 4, 2017


Recently, the news has been abuzz with an online challenge called the “Blue Whale Challenge”, which challenges its teenaged victims to complete a list of tasks, over a period of 50 days, including — waking up at odd hours of the night, performing self-harm by carving symbols into their skin, and contemplating death, the final task being to commit suicide.

The Indian media seems to have taken interest after it came to light that a 14 year old from Mumbai may have taken his own life as a part of the challenge.

We wondered what we could do to try and eliminate this absolutely horrendous game. Here’s the result.

Presenting –

“The Yellow Dolphin Challenge”

Take CONTROL OF your life!

Source — Giphy

What follows is a series of 50 tasks that you must complete in order to win this challenge. The first three people to finish these challenges will receive a surprise “Happiness Box” from us. What’s in the box? Well it’s a surprise.

What follows is the list of the 50 tasks you must complete. Are you up for this gruelling challenge?

If Yes, click here -> CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!!!

Following are the tasks :

Watch the Video


What a pun!

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Here’s the Facebook thread to comment at

You’ll Have To Accept The Challenge So That We May Send You The Task

Details Will Be Communicated To You Soon!

Henceforth, that will be the day on which a new Yellow Dolphin entered this world to spread happiness

These are the things you must do

That’s it! You did it!

Have you accepted the challenge yet? No? Do it. DO IT NOW!!! Tell your friends, tell your enemies, tell everyone to do it!

Originally published at




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