dgnBeraland : The Smart Strategy to harness BERA (1–3x) upside, with only 30 day lockup
A call option on Q5
dgnBerland provides the one thing missing in the Boyco markets — maximized BERA token upside — for those with conviction, this strategy is designed for true BERA alpha
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Built for the Berachain community first, this product offers a single click solution to a calibrated mix of leverage (through options), DeFi efficiency, and options-based yield. Optimizing for upside potential on the BERA token
✅ Embedded Leverage with Options: Maximizes capital efficiency while effectively managing risk
✅ Effective Liquidity Loops & Margin Management: Leverages Dolomite and Beraborrow for dynamic exposure optimization
✅ Optimized Execution: Ooga Booga solves inevitable pool fragmentation to ensure the best execution
How dgnBeraland Works
D2 Finance’s showcases our derivatives expertise to monetize BERA’s potential for explosive growth:
- The strategy will package synthetic 30% ITM call options for a 21-day expiry. It executed teh delta at best efoort twap in the first 3 days of BERA trading
- Assuming a 150 vol input, this translates to ~33% premium and 90 delta (up to 3x)
- If IVX’s 0DTE options trade at a premium, we execute a calendar spread, selling short-term IVX calls while holding long BERA exposure
- After execution, BERA tokens will be lent in Bearborrow and earning yield
- To further improve capital efficiency, BERA tokens will be used as collateral to borrow NECT and post additional IVX margin (or swap to USDC based on market rates, available markets/integration)
- OOGA BOOGA ensures the best execution across various DEXs and order flow mechanics to secure optimal initial execution price and delta hedging for the strategy
For those not fluent in derivatives, this strategy uses options to achieve 1–3x leveraged exposure to the BERA token, while aiming to earn yield and unlock additional opportunities and incentives.
Dont get rekt with unprotected leverage, use dgnBeraland for smart exposure
Sophisticated BERA upside. Protect the Beras, feed the Beras
dgnBeraland provides an advanced structured approach to Berachain’s BERA token exposure. In additional to passively accumulating rewards, it offers a calibrated mix of leverage, DeFi efficiency, and options-based yield generation to monetize BERA’s upside potential.
This is a one-click high-conviction play for those seeking maximum BERA alpha
The Time to Act is Now
💰 Deposits for Boyco Markets are open for a limited time. Maximize the potential for Berachain’s explosive growth, with layers of incentives — secure your spot today.
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A Technical Note
Image is for illustrative purposes only, modeled on the HYPE token
Scaling the Strategy: Modeled After HYPE’s First 21 Days
The implied leverage ranges between 1x and 3x on BERA from the execution price, determined based on optimized liquidity sourcing. The actual leverage and exposure may vary depending on market conditions and execution size, with smaller executions generally resulting in reduced downside risk. However, numerous external factors beyond our control may impact performance. While D2 Finance will make best efforts to optimize execution based on prevailing market variables, we do not guarantee any specific outcomes apart from strong positive correlation with BERA price. Investors should carefully consider these risks and acknowledge that past performance does not indicate future results.
This strategy carries a significantly higher risk profile compared to other D2 Finance strategies, which typically maintain limited drawdowns. In a worst-case scenario where BERA experiences a sustained decline, the investment could result in a total loss. Investors should carefully assess their risk tolerance and allocate capital accordingly. We strongly advise that no more than 1% of a portfolio be allocated to this strategy, as it may not be suitable for most investors. D2 Finance assumes no liability for losses incurred and encourages thorough due diligence before participation.
D2 Finance is a leader in Tokenized DeFi Derivatives Strategies delivering superior risk-adjusted returns, with full on-chain transparency.
D2 Finance’s portfolio of sophisticated and diversified DeFi strategies are designed to maximize returns by balancing risk and reward efficiently, drawing on our team’s deep expertise in hedge fund management and derivatives, while leveraging unique opportunities in the digital asset space.
For more details and to join this groundbreaking venture, visit our website and join our community on Discord and Twitter.