Content- My Year in Review, 2017

Kellyn PotVin-Gorman
3 min readDec 19, 2017


So where did 2017 go?!?!? I really, really would like to know… Needless to say, it’s time to do a year in review already and I actually have time to do it this year!

DBAKevlar Blog

I wrote over 100 blog posts this year between DBAKevlar, Delphix and partner sites, but I’ve enjoyed sharing with the different communities. There’s significant changes going on in the IT world regarding the future of the Database Administrator.

This deafening message came through when pulling together my top blog posts for 2017, with Death of the DBA, Long Live the DBA presenting itself as the top post of the year.

I get a lot of my views outside of subscriptions via search engines, but there’s still a good number of viewers that come to my site due to Twitter and Linked in, etc. Big shout out to Martin Berger, who’s been an awesome reference for my blog, (whatever you’re doing, just keep doing it… :))

I also did a lot of referring from my own blog, including over 450 times people went to Delphix from one of my blog posts, (Yay! I actually do my job sometimes… :))

Most of my readers are from the United States, but then again, most of my speaking events are here in the US, too.

DBAKevlar Presenting

So how much did I present this year? Between in person events for Oracle and SQL Server, along with webinars and the demand for DevOps, I presented a lot- 69 to be exact. With the quantity of SQL Saturday’s out there, I presented at a few more SQL Server events than I did Oracle ones, but it just means I get to share the love of database technology more.

I was thrilled to get a chance to present in Morocco this year, along with returning to Europe to present in Germany at DOAG and the UK for UKOUG.

DBAKevlar Other Schtuff

I also published an ebook, (with a copy in print to give away at events) did a couple podcasts and then we have a successful 2017 RMOUG Training Days conference, the beginning of my presidency of Rocky Mountain Oracle User Group, (RMOUG) and work for the board of directors for the Denver SQL Server User Group as their liaison. We’re now hard at work on the upcoming RMOUG Training Days 2018, which has a new location, new events and I can’t wait to see where it takes us next!

My highlights for 2017? That I was accepted to present at both Oracle Open World and Microsoft Summit. This was one of my goals for 2017. Being honored as one of eight Microsoft technologists to accept my Idera ACE and to have one Oracle webinar and two Microsoft webinars- one for 24HOP, (24 hrs. of PASS) and the Microsoft PASS Linux Edition just this last week.

Yeah, 2017 ROCKED. Bring on 2018!!

Originally published at DBA Kevlar.



Kellyn PotVin-Gorman

Data Goth Girl, abnormally denormalized, collector of odd technical content and all around tech junky.