Where is Goth Geek Girl, Week 37

Kellyn PotVin-Gorman
2 min readSep 13, 2017


It was a really busy summer and ended with me returning after a week of vacation in Singapore. What should I do after a 17hr flight and jet lag? Two webinars and a SQL Saturday event! What better way to get over jet lag and get my game back on and just jump back in!

I started out by having a webinar this morning on “DBA to DevOps to DataOps- the Revolution.” I had a feeling with the jet lag, I’d be done faster than I’d hoped, but with the amount of questions from the over 400 attendees, it was an awesome one hour with everyone. I focused on the important topic of data gravity and how the role of the DBA can evolve to be more productive for the business.

There were reference links that I knew were important and the PDF slide deck doesn’t provide that, so please refer to the following links below to catch up with all the delphix blog posts I’ve written on this topic:

Blog Posts-

FYI- there are two more blog posts that will be published shortly on delphix.com, so stay tuned for those.

Webinar Recordings

On Thursday, I’ll be presenting with Oracle, “The DBA Diaries” focused on the cloud. It should be a great conversation on where DBAs are in the scheme of the cloud and how our role is evolving.

To round up the week, I’ll be presenting at SQL Saturday Denver, my local SQL Saturday event for the SQL Server community! Delphix is sponsoring this awesome event and I’m looking forward to presenting, (as is Tim at this event.)

Sunday- I SLEEP! No, I lie… I’ll be uploading all my code, video and content for ODTUG’s Geekathon. Then I sleep. :)

Originally published at DBA Kevlar.



Kellyn PotVin-Gorman

Data Goth Girl, abnormally denormalized, collector of odd technical content and all around tech junky.