Lottery Dream Books and Other Money Making Mind Tricks

David Metcalfe
10 min readJan 4, 2017


Scared money don’t make none — a fantastic meditational mantra that comes from the evocative mysteries of street level gambling and investment advice. When I lived in Monroe, Georgia I was overjoyed to find that a run down local gas station near by carried a wide selection of lottery dream books.

Selection of Lottery Dream Books at a gas station on the east side of Athens, Georgia

For those unfamiliar with them, these are small pulp print books that provide lists of common thematic elements appearing in dreams. Regarded as superstitious novelties by many, these books are a cornerstone of gambling culture with the promise of offering insight into what numbers to pick on your next bet, as well as more general interpretations for symbols found in dreams and synchronistic events.

What interests me about these simple manuals is their ability to systematize a symbol set which can be slowly memorized and tied to intuitive responses. Once the supernatural cover story is dropped, what you essentially have is a folk version of the art of memory with the intention of accessing dream states and day to day synchronicities to heighten intuitive functioning. Take Whitley Strieber and Jeffrey Kripal’s advice and re-write the ‘super natural’ cover story and you can access even greater potentials.

At the Society for Psychical Research’s 40th Annual International Conference held at the University of Leeds in September, 2016 researcher Keith Hearne presented a provocative paper titled The Alpha-Numeric Dream Code — A New Way of Obtaining Seemingly Significant Direct Messages from the Unconscious in Dreams. As you might imagine this ‘new way’ is remarkably similar to what regular folks have been doing for over a hundred years with these Lottery Dream Books.

The abstract for Hearne’s paper is available on the SPR’s website and provides insight into how these Dream Books function:

The ‘alphabet dream code’ was originally devised by a colleague, David Melbourne, who died in 2011. In this presentation I shall describe that method (which we found to be highly useful for participants), together with my later addition of the ‘numeric’ dream code.

David’s idea (which appropriately came to him in a dream) was that if you program your mind by reading a carefully constructed list of permanent pre-set keywords, based on the letters of the alphabet (with some positive and some negative aspects), and before sleep ask your unconscious for a meaningful message, what is likely to happen is that your knowledgeable and wise unconscious will select a relevant message from that fixed array and reveal it to you by showing several items beginning with the same initial letter — and then your unconscious will deliberately wake you so that you become aware of the message. You simply refer to the list of words. The particular aspect of the keyword ‘jumps out’ at you. It is an astonishingly simple and effective form of communication directly from the unconscious, which can for instance: warn you of something; encourage you; guide you; and help you make important decisions. It does not require any kind of interpretation procedure — the message is presented clearly and concisely.

If you look at the inside one of these Dream Books you have a very similar set up to what Hearne describes in his paper. The difference being that you’re not working with letters appearing in dreams — your working with images. Another difference is that the word lists in these Dream Books are usually rather extensive — which indicates that there may be an element of presentiment going on if the dream content truly does provide useful information when related to the numbers in the book (and yes I do know that this complicates things by adding another layer of supposedly unproven ideas with presentiment, but we’re already talking about folk magic infused gas station pamphlets so just go with it!)

Page 33 from the All New 2016 Red Devil Combination Dream Book (Double Red Publishing, 2016)

Awhile back some ladies visited the property I’m staying at to research their family history. The property is over 200 years old — with the original house, barn and sheds still standing — so it was a wonderful experience for them to be able to sit at the very dining table, in the very kitchen, that their ancestors had sat at. One of the nights while they were staying at the main house the younger sister had a dream in which a name was given to her — the next day while doing archival research on her family she discovered that the name (which was a rather unique name) was associated with one of her relatives that had lived on the property.

Early Keystone Laboratories catalog listing various dream books for sale (The West Tennessee Museum of Southern Hoodoo History)

Discussing this over dinner lead to stories of how she and her sister were familiar with the lottery dream books — and used them frequently. When the dream ‘felt right’ they often won — her sister’s husband had won over $10,000 on a dream with the right feel. But they insisted that the only way to succeed was to follow with faith, because scared money doesn’t make money — you can’t hesitate when you’re on the right track or you might loose out.

One of the keys that came out in conversation is a concept of resonance that goes beyond ‘fact’ — I showed them my collection of lottery dream books and lamented that they were a few years old. The older sister smiled and said “That doesn’t matter — they’re all the same anyway” and then pointed to a dream book from the early 20th century and said “now THAT one is particularly powerful!” It became apparent that their use of the Dream Books was talismanic — their favorite one was held with reverence and became a focal point of their dream practices. Magic isn’t about facts and causality — it’s about resonance and correlation.

In a pertinent blog post the author Malcolm Smith addresses the skeptical standard that comes up when topics like this are broached: if psychic functioning exists, why don’t psychics use their predictive abilities to win the lottery? Smith points out that some of the researchers involved in the United States government’s Remote Viewing program actually did proceed along these lines with a measure of success:

“After leaving the unit, two of the members, Targ and Harary formed a company called Delphi Associates to play the silver futures market. On a Sunday, Targ would pick two targets in the San Francisco area, and decide that, if the market went up on Monday, he would take his associate to (say) the Transamerica skyscraper. If it went down, he would take him to (say) Fisherman’s Wharf. Harary would not be told of these choices; he would just be asked to visualise where he would be on Monday. If, for example, he sensed salt air and seagulls, Targ would conclude it was Fisherman’s Wharf, and advise the client to bet on the market going down. Some clients made real money this way, but pulled out after a couple of false predictions. Just the same, Putoff and his wife tried the same scheme when they needed $25,000 to set up a private school. They trained a number of board members in remote viewing (see, anyone can do it!) and made the $25,000 in a month.”

He also briefly illustrates some of the insights they gained during their research:

“By and large, they were just ordinary (G.I.) Joes cultivating a potential probably inherent in all of us. An analogy is musical skill; some of us are woeful, a few are naturally gifted, but most people can at least hold a tune. Also, despite what experimental psychic research would lead you to believe, their powers did not wane with time. And, no, the U.S. spymasters were not so stupid as to rely on ESP as such. They treated it as merely another source of data for the big jigsaw puzzle, to confirm or be confirmed by other information, and to suggest leads.

They did have some remarkable successes, and in the process, made a lot of observations — unsystematic, to be true, and therefore not strictly speaking scientific — on the scope and limitations of the phenomenon. Although they did not say so, I would suggest the observations provide an illuminating glimpse at what an advanced technology may be capable of doing, and what, I strongly suspect, otherwordly technologies are already using.

“Once you discover that space doesn’t matter [one of them told a reporter], or that time can be traveled through at will so that time doesn’t matter, and that matter can be moved by consciousness so that matter doesn’t matter . . . well, you can’t go home again.”

The first constraint was the weakness of the “signal” or, more likely, the weakness of our senses to detect it. It was like attempting to piece together a picture from sudden pin-prick glimpses. The signal appeared to be largely subliminal, that is, it came in below the level of the conscious mind to detect. They learned to get around this by seeking to defer interpretation until the latter parts of the observation. Initially, they would concentrate on raw data, such as incoherent drawings of the image accessed, along with general impressions such as “dry”, “steep”, or “sharp”. Only towards the end, when several members of the team had pooled their impressions, would analysis begin.”

Having personally spent time with Russell Targ, Ed May, and Joseph McMoneagle, who worked with Stanford Research Institute during the government Remote Viewing project, as well as having spent time with the late Carol de la Harran, who held the position of President at the Monroe Institute, another organization that was central to the Remote Viewing project, I would have to disagree with Smith’s assessment that these programs were ‘unsystematic.’ The applied research into psychical function began with establishment interest in the work of J.B. Rhine during the 1930’s, continuing on through Andrija Puharich’s work with the Round Table Foundation in the 1950’s, Dr. Stanley Krippner’s work with dream telepathy at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn during the 1960’s, and into the work of multiple laboratories across the United States during the 1970’s and 80’s. Along with this were independent studies of applied psychical research from major corporations such as Boeing, Sony, and a number of others.

One of the psycho-kinetic studies conducted by Boeing’s Plasma Physics Labs in 1967 — New Correlation Between a Human Subject and a Quantum Mechanical Random Number Generator (Click Here for the abstract) — concluded:

“From the results, it is tentatively concluded that there exists a weak but significant correlation between the statistical processes operative in these experiments and the experimenter who initiates the processes.”

Due to the nature of this type of research, which touches on taboo subjects that many in the scientific community feel superstitious about studying, as well as the fact that much of the systematic research was conducted under the blinds of corporate proprietary restrictions and top secret clearance, it’s not surprising that many today look at the scattered evidence as representative of discoordination. However, a deeper look shows that this is most certainly not the case at all, and evidence exists for a very systematic and long term accumulation of evidence to support the potential for sustained psychic functioning.

What Targ and Harary did with setting up future signals to trigger Remote Viewing hits, is similar to what the Dream Books can potentially due to provide a simple code of every day symbols available through the unconsciously activated insights of the dream state. In his blog post Smith points out that, “the (psychic) signal appeared to be largely subliminal, that is, it came in below the level of the conscious mind to detect.” Which is one of the things that makes dream work one of the most potentially powerful pieces in the intuitive’s tool box.

Illustration from the Kansas City Kitty Dream Book (Eagle Supply Company, Inc.)

The availability of much of the declassified and now public proprietary research from the 20th century, as well as the access to the rich history of folk practice that things like Google Books and various internet archives provide, makes these areas ripe for more rigorous amateur experimentation. Savvy researchers can easily create experiments that take advantage of over a century’s worth of material, and if the lottery finds its way into the experiment — if you already like to play, you won’t loose anymore than you already do laying down your dollars for a ticket. If you don’t already play it’s a cheap way to turn potentially positive experimental results into a profitable transaction.

Does it work? Why not try it and find out.

Rather than believing that psychism is just a superstition, follow Dr. Charles Tart’s advice:

“It’s not a matter of belief, it’s a matter of evidence…”

Scared money don’t make none —you’ve got to play to win and in order to find out about something as taboo as psychic functioning you’ve got to get your hands dirty and experiment with it!

Resources for further study:

Special thanks to Tony Kail and the West Tennessee Museum of Southern Hoodoo for the image of the vintage Keystone Laboratories catalog. Visit the museums website for more information on the cultural history of hoodoo and folk practices in the Memphis and Mississippi Delta region.

Click Here to read more on Dr. Charles Tart’s thoughts on the ‘experimental counter-culture

Click Here to read more from Malcolm Smith’s thoughts on ‘Why Psychics Don’t Win the Lotteries…”

Click Here to read more about some of the corporate research into psychic functioning with Gene Semel’s article — “E.S.P. Exists: Inside Sony’s Corporate Research

For more info on the history of Lottery Dream Books Catherine Yronwode has a nice piece up on the Lucky Mojo Curio Co. curio company site:



David Metcalfe

Editor-in-Chief, Threshold: Journal of Interdisciplinary Consciousness Studies | Essays from the margins of a shifting world