DC Makerere
6 min readApr 22, 2016


God’s Word is living and active. God’s word is alive! Some years ago, I was given an assignment by the President but at that time I didn’t know how government worked. It took a while for me to know how to implement the assignment. Overtime I learned that when the president speaks, it is a directive. You bring the various sectors on board because the president has spoken and his directive has to be implemented. However we Christians have an authority much much higher than a country president. When His Word is spoken, it’s more than a directive, it’s a command.

God’s Word is sent to do a specific thing and when it is sent, everything aligns to ensure that it’s fulfilled. His word doesn’t fall to the ground. The Word of God is living, it’s active, it is sharp, it is sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow and it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Hebrews 4:12).

There are several images that describe the Word of God in the scriptures.
One is that the Word of God is a seed. It flourishes where it’s planted.
The Word is like yeast which you add to the dough and it expands.

The Word of God is like rain. It irrigates and brings forth fruit and it accomplishes what it is sent to do (Isaiah 55:10 -11).

In Jeremiah it says that the Word of God is like fire.

The Word of God is, a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces. It’s living, it’s powerful.

However sometimes we don’t see this word acting like this in our lives. Why is this? What chokes the word?

In the parable of the sower, Matthew 13, verse 18 Jesus explains the various things which choke the Word.
The very first reason the Word does not thrive in our lives is because the recipient did not understand it. The Word of God is spirit; it does not get understood by my intellect. It’s a spiritual thing and it’s revealed to the spiritual man, not carnal man. One of the key things we ought to be praying for each other is that we understand with the mind, that we have the mind of God. It’s a powerful spiritual prayer that takes away the spiritual darkness in our understanding and enables us to receive the word. Be ye transformed by complete renewal of your mind

Have you ever been to a service and you’re so excited about the Word but soon after you cant remember it? If there is no soil for the Word it excites you like a motivational speaking and then it’s gone. The Scripture says the Word did not profit them. Why? Because they did not mix it with the spiritual substance that makes the word thrive, faith.

Jesus taught that the other chokers of the word are hardened hearts,
the cares of this life,
persecution and tribulation,
the deceitfulness of wealth.

How can wealth choke the Word? It was said of the Israelites, when you have reached the Promised Land and you’re sleeping in houses that you did not build, the land of milk and honey, remember that it is your God who gives you the power to make wealth. Brethren, sometimes when we get riches, we forget the Word. Woe unto us when we reach a place of comfort, there is no time for the Word because, “I’m too busy.” The Word is the fuel, the Word is the fire, the Word makes you thrive. When the deceitfulness of wealth chokes your life, evil comes in. You find it very easy to succumb to sin and to fall from the standard of integrity. The parable of the sower shows that the word can bring in a harvest in different measures: 30 or 60 or 100 percent harvest. Not everyone brings in the 100 fold because there are issues in our lives that are causing the Word to be choked. The word does not fail it’s the ground where it’s planted that can fail it

So how do we deal with these things that Jesus is teaching us about? 1 Corinthians 2:12–16.

Receive the word by faith. The Word of God becomes alive in us when we receive it by faith (Romans 10:9–10). Scripture says that there are things which are freely given to us who are Christians. One of those things is the word by which we know that we have received salvation, righteousness, mercy and grace. These gifts are available for you and for me but we have to receive them by faith. They remain on the shelf freely given, until we receive them. We have a directive from our Father. You receive and you confess and it’s yours. We receive salvation by faith and by confession.

There is a physical realm and a spiritual realm and the spiritual gifts are in the spiritual realm. . It is so easy to relate to the physical realm because I can see and hear it. The things that concern the purpose for your life are not physical and therefore not easy to grasp but we receive them by faith and we speak. That is the essence of receiving the word by faith. I have faith in the Word of God. It’s not positive thinking or being optimistic. The Word of God did not profit those people long ago because they did not mix it with faith. Once God has given you a Word which is alive and living and you receive it by faith and you begin speaking it, don’t worry however long it takes, for sure it will happen. There is no doubt about that.

It is faith which connects the physical to the spiritual. What do we do to receive the Word of God? Refuse the evidence you see so long as God has said it. Submit yourself to the word and have the mind renewed by the word. Wash your mind with the word. There are things in your life that you’re asking the Lord for. I want to say to you, don’t despair. Believe the word God has spoken for your situation, it’s living and active and the Lord alone is watching over his word to perform it. When everybody tells you to give up, just speak the word and refuse to be moved. God has given us everything that pertains to life and Godliness. That is his promise and we receive it by faith by speaking it out and being thankful. 1 Peter 2:3).

Reject the things that choke the word and receive the word like your daily spiritual milk and nourishment and it will flourish in the work it was sent to do. God’s word does not fail, it’s the ground where it’s planted that needs to be cultivated

Brethren, we are children of the Kingdom of heaven, a spiritual kingdom. That is a fact. We are actually going to live forever and it starts here. We reign with Christ by the word. It is not maybe, it’s a real thing. Apostle Peter has said; Each of us has dynamite in their hands. Each of us has a sword of the Spirit and may God help us wield this sword of the Spirit powerfully. Halleluya!

-Dorothy Kisaka

DC Makerere

A Church community that seeks to see the nations discipled and equipped for Kingdom Influence!