Inside the Harley Quinn Crew

4 min readJan 18, 2023


What does it mean to be a part of the Queen of Chaos’ very own personal faction?

♦️ There’s room in Gotham City for everyone, and room in Harley Quinn Crew for anyone, no matter who you are.

When Harley Quinn saw that Batman was building the Gotham City District Knightwatch — running around in their fun masks, solving puzzles together and chattering all night — she thought to herself:

“FINALLY, Bats is making some friends otha’ than Mr. J.”

Her second thought was, “Gosh, that looks like A LOT a’ fun.”

So began the journey of a legendary heist, a scheme, a recruitment drive to build the best, most amazing, sparkliest crew in Gotham City: Harley Quinn Crew.

What do you do to get people together? You throw a party! But Harley Quinn doesn’t just throw a cheese plate on the table and call it a day.

She set out to celebrate her historical capers and exploits throughout Gotham City while reminding everyone why she’s the Queen of Chaos…And if those parties distracted the Gotham City District Knightwatch and Batman long enough for her to steal all the records of her from the Gotham Hall of Records, so much the better.

And it was the better. She did it. And the Harley Quinn Crew helped. Yay!

For weeks leading up to the heist she teased Gotham City’s newspapers and the Gotham City District Knightwatch that they couldn’t stop her. (and they couldn’t. HA!)

But is it really a party without presents? Maybe, but what a lame party, right? To join Harley Quinn’s crew she invited citizens of Gotham City to collect Harley Quinn’s Freakin’ Awesome Boxes of Mayhem. Crafted by hand (believe me, she’ll show you the glue-gun burns), Harley Quinn Crew hid these boxes throughout the city on the night of the heist to keep the GCDK busy and far away from the scene of the real crime.

The tinsel has been swept away, the heat has died down. The glitter. It’s never coming off so stop trying — but Harley Quinn is ready to take this crew up a notch, and will be challenging her crew members to explore, enjoy and perhaps, carve a place for themselves in Gotham City’s rogues gallery.

What’s Harley Quinn’s philosophy for her crew?
What are the guiding principles for the Queen of Chaos’ faction?

  • Express yourself.
  • Self analysis is the key to knowing what you want.
  • Become the person you want to be.
  • Create a place for yourself in the world… and don’t let anybody stop ya’
  • Challenge people to uncover their true selves.
  • Build loyalty through friendship.
  • Play by the rules that make sense to you.

What skill sets are Harley Quinn crew members aiming for?
Harley Quinn is celebrating the personal development of her crew members in four major categories.

  • Criminal, Psychology
    Self analysis is key to understanding why you do what you do. And what you do to others. And why others do the things they do in response to the things you do to them. Still following us? GREAT. Harley Quinn’s background in psychology is going to be put to use to help each crew member know themselves better, and anyone who crosses the crew’s path.
  • One n’ Only
    Expressing yourself is key to a life well lived, a plot well executed, and a crew that enjoys its work. Each crew member will be challenged to tell their stories in Gotham City, their way.
  • Crew’s-Ship Directors
    Being part of a crew doesn’t just mean someone bosses you around. OK, maybe, sorta kinda the whole point is letting Harley Quinn boss you around. But, you get out of a crew what you put into it, and this skill is how a crew member puts in the work to make the crew a fun place — getting people together, supporting each other, teamwork makes the scheme work.
  • Flippin’ Amazin’
    The world throws a lot at people, and it’s important to be flexible and agile. While Harley Quinn isn’t expecting every crew member to become a champion gymnast like herself, she’ll be helping them build the skills to get out of tight spots and think on their feet.

How do you progress through the Ranks of the Harley Quinn Crew?
Making your mark on Gotham City means making your mark in the Harley Quinn Crew.

  • Hench, Goon or Otha’ Level
    Crew members have collected a Harley Quinn Freakin’ Awesome Box of Mayhem and are official members of the Harley Quinn Crew, with all its associated rights an’ privileges.
  • Circle a’ Trust Level
    To join the Circle a’ Trust level in a skill category a Harley Quinn Crew member has to have participated in a challenge from Harley Quinn. Show Up. This rank may also be granted based on crew member’s contributions to the community.
  • Numba’ Two Level
    To attain Numba’ Two level in a category a Harley Quinn Crew member must have completed Harley Quinn’s challenge in a specific category at the highest possible level of achievement (Good for you!).
  • Legend a’ Gotham City
    Crew members who have attained all four Numba’ Two levels in Harley Quinn Crew’s skill categories.

Harley Quinn’s challenges are delivered exclusively to those with Harley Quinn Freakin’ Awesome Boxes of Mayhem in their collection at the DC NFT Marketplace…get yours today and bring some sparkle to Gotham City.

We Want You.
The You You Are.
Join Harley Quinn Crew.

