Answers to the questions asked following Update #17

After the publishing of our last newsletter we got a lot of questions related to the implications of the cancellation of the conversion between DRPU and DRPS. Here we offer answers to these questions and we hope it will bring you clarification.


Question 1: Bullex listing fee is gonna be in DRPU, but the real question is what are the fee gonna be: 10K$, 50K$?

Up to 50% of the listing fees of 25K euros will be charged in DRPU, the other part will be in ETH/BTC/Fiat.

Question 2: What are being done with the fee? (Burned, Bullex, VC or something else?)

The fiat part is used to cover the operational expenses related to the businesses and should eventually become profit as well.

Half of the DRPU will be kept or sold by DCORP, the choice will be based on the necessity at the moment, but in no way will we create a “dump”, neither will it be burned. The other half will be used for marketing purposes and bounty campaigns.

Examples of bounty / marketing actions: Earn 10 DRPU for sharing on social media that a new token is now listed on Bullex. Refer a friend and earn 50 DRPU when that friend becomes a tier 2 user. Etc…

We are open to receive ideas from the community, to share your ideas with us join our Telegram group dedicated to that purpose:

This answer includes Listing Fees and Transactions Fees.

Question 3: ‘’DCORP BV may generate secondary revenue streams by licensing technology to 3rd parties, that will be reinvested in deliveries for the DCORP Platform’’ — Does this means it goes 100% directly to the team account or can some be expected as airdrop or similar for either of the tokens in the future — IF so which?

It depends on the deal that we make with our Token Partners. Our goal is to airdrop 90% of the tokens we receive from the Token Partners, any other profits are expected to cover DCORP’s operational costs and the rest is added to the company balance. Note that the money does not go to the team.

Question 4: When a project gets funded, neither of the two tokens are getting any airdrops with the projects tokens?

It depends on the type of project, some projects might have tokens and others might not have tokens. It’s up to you to vote for a ‘deal’ that you feel comfortable with and it’s not a decision that DCORP makes.

Question 5: Profit sharing from VC projects goes 50/50 SBo members and Dcorp balance — It sounds like an awful lot that the SBo members can make (if lucky) — What about the holders?

This 50/50 share means that 50% of this profit goes to the token holders.


Question 6: Does Bullex have any license from Dutch Government yet, if not when can an answer for this application be expected?

Currently it’s not possible or necessary to apply for a cryptocurrency exchange license with the Dutch government. However, we are in communication with the government and follow recommendations until its possible to apply for a license.

Question 7: What happens if the dividends for DRPS are gonna get blocked in a vote from the DRPU holders? Is it all going directly into the company wealth fund? (Speculating in nice salaries for team members SBo etc. in the future)

In that case the profits just stay in the smart-contract. The team has no control over these funds.

Question 8: How many are at the moment gonna be listed against a fee?

The assets that are scheduled for listing initially do not pay fees.

Question 9: How are the teams predictions of Bullex, when do you expect any profit? (Please go in details with cost for user, monthly expenses etc.)

In year two as per financial forecast.

Question 10: Where will DRPS be listed so that people actually can get out of their investment again?

It is our goal to eventually list DRPS and other securities on Bullex, but there is no specific date currently, mostly because of the regulations issues around security tokens. It might be that another exchange, possibly a decentralized exchange, lists DRPS before we do.

Question 11: In the WP’s for Airdrop mechanism it says :

‘’ In order to qualify for an airdrop a token holder has to fulfil two requirements: 1. Own DRPU, and 2. Successfully finish the relevant course at the DCORP Academy.’’

Maybe you should also put in the whitelisted address?

In the new platform update (DCORP Hybrid) you will use a managed account, there is no whitelisting anymore.

Question 12: Can you share a statement of what the team is holding in Dcorp — DRP(U/S) to show transparency and where insighters are positioning themselves.

The team is currently not holding any DRP|U|S personally, except for some relatively small amounts that were bought during the ICO by individual team members.

We do hold 163K DRPU that were meant to be deposited into the Bancor token changer, you can see them at
For the moment we have no specific plan for these tokens but we reserve them for Marketing purposes.


Question 13: When do you approximately think the converter will be re-enabled?

As soon as possible. When we can list securities ourselves or when someone else is able to list DRPS and reenabling the converter does not harm token holders more than it benefits them.

Question 14: Will the 2% fee change?

It can’t change because it’s in the smart-contract.

Question 15: Will you create a one pager to convince new investors more easily when marketing starts?

Yes, we will provide marketing material that our community will be able to spread around.

Question 16: Is it possible to just make Drps inactive temporarily until the whole security laws issue works itself out, then reactivate it and the token changer? Drps will most likely be irrelevant for at least the next year anyway, probably longer, so basically eliminate the 2 token issue until there’s actually a reason to have the second token. In my opinion, all profits need to be reinvested into new approved proposals until the company has enough capital to pay dividends without taking away from funding new projects.

An important point to recognize is that you control the payout of dividend.

  1. Profit is deposited into the main dcorp smart-contract
  2. A proposal is submitted and voted on (this proposal can be a dividend proposal or a funding proposal for an awesome new project)
  3. DRPU and DRPS holders vote
  4. The proposal is executed (or not)

As long as there are more DRPU tokens than DRPS tokens, it’s unlikely that a dividend proposal will be approved. This is why there is a 1:2 ratio for DRPU and not DRPS.

To answer your question; effectively, the DRPS token is inactive already.

Question 17: If DRPS is set up op inactive in the future, will people who changed their DRPU to DRPS, paying 2% fee get their money back and be able to convert back to DRPU for free?

This is not possible at the moment due to the immutability of the smart-contract. With the release of DCORP Decentralized, following the DCORP Hybrid release, there will be a type of vote that can be used to change this. A bytecode proposal need more than 50% of the tokens to vote and at least 70% to vote in favor to be executed.

Question 18: Frank said they might enable the token changer again after regulation is finished. Will that be decided with a vote?

It depends on the situation at that time, there is not much we can say about this right now except that we, at all time, do what’s best for DCORP within the boundaries of the law.

DCORP - Venture Capitalism Democratized

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