DCORP Introduces The First Smart Wallet


Screenshot from the Smart Wallet in making, by Frank Bonnet, co-founder of DCORP

What is the Smart Wallet?

The Smart Wallet that will be launched on the “DCORP Ventures: Hybrid” platform is an innovative Ethereum based token and ether wallet that can safely be operated from your browser.

The wallet itself is a micro smart-contract, it works with a password and an optional signer verification. This allows the user to abstract away the connection to the Ethereum network without managing their private keys, making Ethereum more accessible and easy to use for everyone!

In other words, users will be able to participate in smart-contract based systems such as token or voting systems with their password and a click of a button.

Eg. you’d be able to setup a multi-sig wallet with your friends as easy as you would start a telegram group, or deploy your own token to represent entry tickets to the event you are hosting with nothing more than your password!

Some of the functionality the Smart Wallet will provide at launch:

  1. Interaction with the DRP/DRPU/DRPS token changer on our platform without the need for MetaMask or Mist
  2. Token/ether deposits and withdrawals
  3. Account creation and management
  4. 2 factor authentication
  5. Overall simplification of blockchain interaction

Other features that are planned and will be included in the launch if ready:

  1. Multisig wallet creation
  2. Multisig wallet usage
  3. Token creation (So yes, anyone will eventually be able to make their own tokens.)
  4. Token multi-sig
  5. Use of other dapps - A mobile app is also in the works for the hybrid wallet. This means you will have access to all these features from the convenience of an app.

Okay, the Smart Wallet simplifies the use of the Ethereum blockchain, but don’t most of the features listed above exist elsewhere?

Imagine a world where the only way to access websites was to know and type the ip6 address every time. Would it work? Yes. Would it be very user friendly? No, not at all.

This is the current state of the Ethereum and token ecosystem. There are solutions such as MetaMask and the Mist browser that are a step in the right direction for simplifying its use, but our Smart Wallet will take it even further. It will allow someone who knows nothing about Ethereum or blockchain to navigate to a website to create an account with a username and password like they would for any other site. They can then use this account to interact with the Ethereum blockchain in all the ways listed above without ever having to know what a private key, public key, hash, or hex address are. All of this is provided on the blockchain, so the security and decentralized nature is not compromised.

We believe this will be a huge step in bringing blockchain to the masses while not compromising on its core benefits.



DCORP - Venture Capitalism Democratized

We have brought Venture Capitalism to the Blockchain and are preparing our platform for release. Stay posted with us on all venues for updates on progress!