Update #20 Bullex: closed beta application — progress updates


A very short newsletter this week. We are working around the clock to get Bullex delivered!

Bullex closed beta application

We are approaching the final stages of the implementation, and thus, we have opened the application form for our closed beta.

We will randomly select participants from a pool of eligible people. Eligible people means: persons who are motivated to help us by using our system and providing us with feedback to improve our system.

The closed beta will run on our testnet so you will not trade with real fiat and real crypto. So, nothing stops you from depositing 100K USD or trading 50 BTC :) Interested? Apply now!

Progress Bullex

The progress is unfortunately slower than expected:

  • There is a very persistent bug in the KYC integration. We escalated several times and hope to have this restored asap.
  • The remarketer integration kept disconnecting. This caused delays in coding the trade pages since there was no live test data. Luckily the remarketer is fixed now!

Of course, we also have good news:

  • Homepage is done and looks fantastic!
  • Trading pages are almost done.
  • Dashboard page is well underway.
  • We will share a screen recording of the work very soon!

The progress tracker is updated with percentages done. Please check it here.

Announcements and Q&A

The most important announcements of past weeks are:

DCORP is hiring!

Would you like to join the DCORP team?
We are looking for experienced writers to help us create premium content for our Academy. Content topics include: cryptocurrency, blockchain, venture capital, trading and investment.
Are you interested in doing a freelance assignment? If so, please send an email to sangho@dcorp.it

We Hope to hear from you soon!

DCORP pitch subtitles translated

We want to test our content in other languages so, we translated the subtitles of our pitch into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish (Latin America) and Russian.

Find the tweets here:
Spanish (Latin America)

Q: What will the listing fee be for coins and tokens scheduled for listing at Bullex’s launch?
A: The assets that will be listed as part of launch will not be charged a listing fee. Our normal listing fee for new assets will be 25,000 EUR after launch. Before launch we offer a discounted rate of 20,000 EUR!

Q: What are the team’s predictions of Bullex, when do you expect any profit?
A. We expect profit in year two as per our financial forecast.

Q: Where will DRPS be listed so that it can be bought and sold by investors?
A: DRPS will not be listed on Bullex at launch, but we are working to satisfy the requirements needed to list DRPS and other security tokens in the future.

Q: How will whitelisted addresses be handled on the hybrid VC platform?
A: With the hybrid platform, we no longer have to manage whitelisted addresses. This will be self-managed within your account.

Q. When approximately, do you think that the converter will be re-enabled?
A. As soon as possible. When we can list securities ourselves or when someone else is able to list DRPS and re-enabling the converter does not harm token holders more than it benefits them.

Q: How can token holders qualify for an airdrop?
A. Token holder have to fulfil three requirements: 1. Own DRPU and/ or DRPS 2. Have a Tier 2 account at http://dcorp.it 3. Successfully finish the relevant course at the DCORP Academy.



DCORP - Venture Capitalism Democratized

We have brought Venture Capitalism to the Blockchain and are preparing our platform for release. Stay posted with us on all venues for updates on progress!