Update #23: Closed Beta Launch!

We’ve just got a short update this week, but we’re excited to announce the closed beta has launched! Also, this week we would like to remind everyone of the tokens currently on the list for the launch of Bullex and that we’ll be featuring all of the coins and tokens in short spotlight articles.


Beta Update

After several unfortunate delays, we have launched the closed beta of Bullex! We’re excited to start the testing in earnest and are looking forward to incorporating the feedback and fixing any issues that arise.

Here’s a few additional screenshots of the site!

As you can see the trading screen is packed full of information. While most features are standard in exchanges today, we hope you agree that we offer a few unique features and deliver them all in very visually appealing package! We feature:

  • risk ranking score that we hope to eventually crowdsource
  • order depth chart
  • TradingView charts
  • info section for quick links and resources about the asset being traded
  • quick access to other trading pairs
  • market, limit, and stop orders
  • order histories
  • and more!

We will be preparing for open beta in the coming weeks, so keep your eyes open for that! Please join our Bullex Telegram group to stay up-to-date!


As a reminder, here is the complete confirmed list of assets that will be supported on Bullex at launch:

  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Dash
  • Ethereum Classic
  • Litecoin
  • Ripple
  • Bitcoin Cash
  • Monero
  • Zcash
  • DCORP Utility Token

We cannot confirm any other listings at the present time, but we have been contacted by several parties, and we have also contacted several different parties about listing. We’re not ready quite yet to share the details, but we also have something in the works that will make listing on Bullex an even more valuable proposition.


We would also like to announce that we will be launching apps for both iOS and Android for Bullex! While we can’t guarantee these apps will be ready for launch, you can rest-assured that they are in our plan.

VC Platform

Most of our focus continues to be on Bullex and getting it launched ASAP, so we don’t have as much to report on for the VC platform, but we are preparing the academy with additional courses to support Bullex for its public launch!

Closing Remarks

In case you missed it, you can find our last update here and the feed of all our updates here!

If you’re interested in learning more about DCORP and Bullex and would like to join our community, please subscribe to, or join, our social channels:



If you’re interested in listing your asset or are aware of someone who is seeking listing on a regulated European-based exchange, please fill out the form here!

Thanks for reading!



DCORP - Venture Capitalism Democratized

We have brought Venture Capitalism to the Blockchain and are preparing our platform for release. Stay posted with us on all venues for updates on progress!