A deal with the devil: Analysis of a recent Matanbuchus sample

DCSO CyTec Blog
6 min readMay 23, 2022


Matanbuchus is the name given to a Malware-as-a-Service sold on Russian-speaking cybercriminal forums. Starting at a rental price of $2,500, the malware consists of an obfuscated two-stage loader which has been deployed in conjunction with Qakbot and Cobalt Strike payloads. Last year, Unit42 observed the malware used in activity targeting a Belgian technology company and American educational institutions.

Since the fall of last year, there have been few public reports about Matanbuchus, and in general, reports have focused primarily on the first loader stage. In this report, we inspect the second stage of the loader which was briefly mentioned in the article published by Unit42 but not analyzed in depth.

The sample analyzed here was found on VirusTotal while investigating signed binaries which appeared in a routine code signing hunt.

This blog was authored by Johann Aydinbas and Colin Murphy

Attack Chain

We start our analysis with the MSI installer package ea8b828430149f67f45f9a71ee486bc674e21da7.

It disguises itself as a Visual Studio installer:

MSI installer pretending to be Visual Studio

The .msi file has a valid signature from “ADVANCED ACCESS SERVICES LTD” with a recent signing date:


On execution, it creates a directory called VisualStudioIDE in %LOCALAPPDATA% and drops 3 files:

Files dropped by installer

While locale.nls is the actual Matanbuchus loader component, the other two files don’t seem to serve a purpose and are likely benign. DWLog.dll is a DLL signed by “Adobe Inc.”, MSTTSLoc.dll appears to be a Microsoft Text to Speech component, but neither appears to be an active part of the attack chain.

After dropping the files, the installer finally executes the Matanbuchus loader component via regsvr32.exe:

Installer calling regsvr32 to execute loader

While the value of the argument supplied via “-i” does not matter, the loader component does check for the existence of an argument at runtime. If omitted, the loader does not continue. This is likely to avoid execution in sandboxes which simply execute available exports one by one.


Both Matanbuchus stages use string and API obfuscation as previously documented by 0ffset.

All used strings are stored on the stack at runtime, transferred to a static location and then decrypted using an 8 byte rolling xor for further use.

All API calls are obfuscated as well. Matanbuchus uses an FNV-1a hash to look up the desired API’s address before each call.

First Stage

The first stage of Matanbuchus, locale.nls, acts as a loader for the core component. The loader component has mainly two functions:

  • Keep itself updated
  • Fetch the 2nd stage and execute it from memory

After execution, the loader first attempts to update itself by fetching a hardcoded URL via HTTPS.

Next it tries to retrieve the core component from a different URL. The response is base64-decoded and decrypted using a 24 byte rolling xor.

If retrieval is successful, the core component is manually mapped into the same process and executed by calling its export DllRegisterServer.

Second Stage

The second stage is the core component of Matanbuchus. It is responsible for fetching and executing commands, such as running shell commands, executing shellcode or loading further PE files.

Debug data contained in the core component

Unlike the first stage, communication with the C2 server is done over plain HTTP on a hardcoded high port, manually implemented using low-level network APIs such as send and recv.

Example exchange

Server and client exchange base64-encoded JSON objects, with the JSON values additionally being RC4-encrypted, using a hardcoded key. The JSON keys are also hardcoded per sample.

Decoded example request with still encrypted values

Fetching tasks

A typical sequence of fetching a task starts with Matanbuchus sending a system information packet to its C2:

Fully decrypted first packet

We’ve identified the following fields:

| Key   | Meaning             |
| 3CEk | CPU info from cpuid |
| 3fe11 | Amount of RAM |
| 3m7x | "User" or "Admin" |
| DS2x | Bitness |
| Eo6 | Botnet/campaign |
| Fto | Number of CPUs |
| Q6X6 | Domain name |
| Vz | Module path |
| cBF | MAC address |
| f1da | Logon server |
| tW | Computer name |
| wP6 | Bot version |
| zkC7 | NetBIOS name |
| Los | Unknown, hardcoded |

The server then responds with a task object:

Example task object as sent by the server, decrypted

The fields are:

| Key | Meaning         |
| Gp | Command string |
| Pk | Argument |
| vM | Task identifier |

After the client executes the given task, it communicates the status back to the server, providing the previously supplied task identifier (vM) in a field named bN.

Client response to a successful task, decrypted

The field NSeyDX is hardcoded into the response, its purpose is unknown.

The field Jb is used to communicate success/failure of a given task. For a successful task execution, it is set to vpesas shown above, or to indicate failure it is set to jpofxs. Both strings are also hardcoded.


Surprisingly, the command field Gp as issued by the C2 is in plaintext (before encryption) and quite verbose.

While we did not receive any actual tasks during our analysis, we created a fake server to verify this finding and can confirm that the commands work as listed below. It is unclear if this is an oversight on the developer’s part or intended.

Except for the 1st entry (“Vs”), which is used as a no-op command, the others are rather descriptive and provide a variety of ways to execute additional code:

Running exe
Starting the exe with parameters
High start exe
RunDll32 & Execute
Regsvr32 & Execute
Run CMD in memory
Run PS in memory
MemLoadDllMain || MemLoadExe
Running dll in memory #2 (DllRegisterServer)
Running dll in memory #3 (DllInstall(Install))
Running dll in memory #3 (DllInstall(Unstall))
Crypt update & Bots upgrade

Commands typically receive a URL as argument Pk from where to fetch the payload. Depending on the type of command, payloads are either manual mapped into the process memory and executed from there or written to disk before execution.

For files written to disk, Matanbuchus uses the directory


as storage, e.g. C:\ProgramData\9e09\ . File names are randomly generated with a fixed length (11–13 chars) depending on the exact command and only consist of upper and lowercase letters, with a file extension of .nls or .exe .

File dropped by “Running exe” command

The command High start exe is used to run executables with elevated privileges via ShellExecuteExA(verb=runas).

Shellcode fetched by MemLoadShellCode is expected to be in hex string format, decoded and executed using CreateThread in the same process.


To aid the analysis, we’ve written a small script to decrypt base64 blobs as exchanged by Matanbuchus. You can grab the script on our GitHub.


If you prefer MISP, you can find below IoCs in form of a MISP event on our GitHub as well.

MSI Installer
locale.nls, Matanbuchus loader
Matanbuchus core
Loader update URLs
Core component URL
C2 domains
Hardcoded URL path in core component
Hardcoded high port
Hardcoded user agent
Windows-Update-Agent/11.0.10011.16384 Client-Protocol/2.0


T1027       Obfuscated Files or Information
T1059 Command and Scripting Interpreter
T1059.001 PowerShell
T1059.003 Windows Command Shell
T1218.007 Msiexec
T1218.010 Regsvr32
T1497 Virtualization/Sandbox Evasion
T1571 Non-Standard Port
T1573.001 Symmetric Cryptography



DCSO CyTec Blog

We are DCSO, the Berlin-based German cybersecurity company. On this blog, we share our technical research.