Automatically Colorize B&W Photos With This Twitter Bot

Daniel Canfield
3 min readNov 21, 2017

This Twitter account will convert any black and white image you Tweet at it. It only takes around 5 seconds to do. To test how well it works, I had the Twitter Colorise bot color up a variety of images for me. I’ll let you be the judge as to how well it worked.

Widow & boy rolling papers for cigarettes in a dirty N.Y. tenement. Location: New York, New York (State) -Lewis Wickes Hines
“Auction & Negro Sales,” Whitehall Street -George N. Barnard
“Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm announcing her candidacy for presidential nomination” — Thomas J. O’Halloran
“Shedding a tear for fallen Marine” — (Official Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Randall A. Clinton)
Oreo Cookies

The Oreo cookies were already in the proper color, but I was curious as to how the Colorise Bot would handle it.

“Marion Post Wolcott with Rolleiflex and Speed Graphic in hand in Montgomery County, Maryland” — Arthur Rothstein

The Colorise bot seems to really like to use yellowish hues. In the colorized image it looks like dogs have been…

