HNW REFINERY — Dashboard explained 🔥

5 min readApr 10, 2022


Today I would like to explain you the dashboard of HNW REFINERY in more detail.

If you haven’t read my first article yet, I recommend you to do that first:

HNW REFINERY — up to 1.2% daily 🔥

First of all, you need a wingman (scroll down to read the explanation) to join REFINERY. Use this guide and overview to get started:

Buy HFUEL here:

Go to < Refinery Dashboard > and click on CONNECT YOUR WALLET (1). Check if your MetaMask wallet is set to Binance Smart Chain “BSC”.

If you like you can add me as your WINGMAN (2), my address is:


Then click on UPDATE (3) and confirm the transaction. If this has been done correctly, you can find my wingman address under Current Wingman. Then you can put your HFUEL into the REFINERY.

In the upper box you can see your HFUEL Balance. Here you can deposit HFUEL. You need at least 1.07 HFUEL to use the REFINERY (1 HFUEL after taxes and fees). Choose the desired amount of HFUEL Tokens, then click DEPOSIT (4) and confirm the transaction in MetaMask.

Congratulations! Your HFUEL has been deposited into the REFINERY, from now on you have passive income per day!

To make it complete, let’s start with DEPOSIT

*INFO* Small amounts of gas fees are incurred with each transaction. So always have some BNB in your wallet as a reserve.
Always take into account the taxes: 5% for deposit and refuel, 15% for claiming

DEPOSIT → By executing the button you send the transaction to deposit. The transaction must be confirmed afterwards.
REFUEL → Pressing this button will reinvest/compound the HFUEL tokens you have under “Available” (on the left side of the dashboard).
CLAIM → When you press this button, the HFUEL tokens will be paid out from the REFINERY which you can find under “Available” (on the left side of the dashboard).

Get a Wingman and what does this mean?

The Wingman is your partner for the entire duration of your Wallet in the Refinery. Once a wingman has been confirmed, it can no longer be changed. Think about who you want to have as a permanent partner. Here is the cross reference to team building / airdrops and other team events.

I personally, DEFINATOR, will regularly give my team — as in other projects — something good in the form of airdrops.

You want me as your wingman? Paste my adress into the field and click update: 0x428a10825e3529D95dF8C5b841694318Ca95446f

Current Wingman = no longer changeable

Checkout Refiners

What is Player Lookup?

Here you have the possibility to check a user in the REFINERY. Just copy the wingman address of a user into the empty field and click search. After that you will see the information Directs, Team, Net Deposits, Hfuel, Airdrop Sent / Received and Airdrop Last Sent.

The best example is when you are looking for a reasonable wingman / a good team leader. Does the team leader keep all his/her rewards and is greedy or is he/she spendy and provides a healthy climate in the team.

Team Viewer

The Team Viewer shows you how the team around your or a wingman is structured.

Team Airdrop

With the Team Airdrop function you have the possibility to send HFUEL tokens to your team as an airdrop. You can reward your whole team, fixed number or only selected wingmans. You specify how many HFUEL tokens you want to send and what requirements must be met and then the system takes over the setting. You have many options, but they are not difficult to understand. The drop down menu explains the function in detail. Please note that you have to confirm every transaction in your metamask and therefore you have to pay transaction fees.

Start campaigns

Direct Airdrop

Here you can send an airdrop to a single user immediately. For this you only need the wingman address.

The overview of your REFINERY Wallet


Here you can see all available HFUEL tokens. These can be Refueled or Claimed on the right side.


The display tells you how many HFUEL tokens you have permanently locked in your REFINERY Wallet — through deposits and refueles.


Here you can keep track of how much HFUEL tokens of your Deposits balance you have both claimed and compounded.

Referral Rewards

Only applies if you are eligible (stake xHNW) to receive tax rewards from your levels/downlines transactions.

Max Payout

It will show you how many HFUEL tokens you can payout in total if you would not compound anymore. Not all at once, but with your daily interest.


How many people are your Direct Referrals and how many total people are in your levels/downline

xSK Balance

The smart contract monitors how many xSK you have staked. Depending on the number the display and the value for your daily interest will be updated.

xHNW Balance

The smart contract monitors how many xHNW you have staked. Depending on the number the display and the value about your max payout % and how many referral levels you cover will be updated.

I hope I have thought of everything. If you still have a question, then just contact me. I will be happy to help you.

If this article has helped you, I’m glad, you can forward the link to friends and acquaintances to make the REFINERY more popular.

I am also happy if you would become my wingman and join my team 🤗

My Wingman Address: 0x428a10825e3529D95dF8C5b841694318Ca95446f

Website →
Dashboard →
SideKick →

HFUEL → 0x157Ba4bBbb2bd7D59024143C2C9E08f6060717a6
HNW → 0x8173ccc721111b5a93ce7fa6fec0fc077b58b1b7
SK → 0x5755e18d86c8a6d7a6e25296782cb84661e6c106

Telegram @DRIPinator

