Why Mark Ruffalo supports the Green New Deal

Democracy for America
2 min readMar 27, 2019


Email to DFA members from Mark Ruffalo, Actor and DFA member

Raising my family in Callicoon, New York, I’ve witnessed first hand the horrific power of the fossil fuel industry.

Years ago, gas companies started moving in and using a dangerous drilling process called fracking. It contaminated the air, caused explosions, and spilled millions of gallons of toxic fluids into the local waterways.

A few people got wealthy and moved away, leaving the rest of us to shoulder the cost of the destruction. Worst of all, local politicians refused to take action and told us there was nothing we could do.

It was easy to feel hopeless. But we joined together and through our organizing and determination we banned fracking across the entire state of New York. All while facing down $100 million in lobbying and PR from the fossil fuel industry.

Right now, we as a country have a real opportunity to protect our air, food, and water from climate change. Progressives in Congress are working to pass the Green New Deal — and it could be coming up for a vote in the Senate as soon as this week.

We need to band together as a community right now and make sure the Green New Deal becomes a reality.

Together, we finally have the ability to transition to 100% clean energy. It’s not just the right thing to do in order to save ourselves from climate change. It will also help to create high-quality jobs.

The question is, will the fossil fuel industry continue to stand in the way?

The Green New Deal is one of the boldest plans to stop climate change ever proposed, but oil and gas funded politicians like Mitch McConnell are trying to stop it.

Here’s what I learned from the organizing I did in my community in New York: you are not alone. When you fight to save our planet, you’ll find yourself surrounded by other loving people who, despite all the challenges we face, still believe that we can achieve the dream of a better future.

The Green New Deal is an opportunity for all of us. The fight for it will make us better in every way. We can turn this dream into a reality. It’s possible and it’s up to you — but you don’t have to do it alone. We can do it together.

Never forget that hope finds its strength in action. Thank you for taking action today.

- Mark Ruffalo

Actor and DFA Member

Will you ask your senators to become cosponsors today?

Yes! I’ll call on my senators to cosponsor the Green New Deal.

No, I can’t call today, but I will chip in to support DFA’s work to support the Green New Deal.



Democracy for America

A people-powered progressive PAC w/ one million members nationwide committed to taking on income inequality, money in politics, and structural racism.