The First 48

by Tramelle Howard, East Baton Rouge Parish School Board Member, District 3

If anyone is familiar with the hit TV show, The First 48, you know it’s all about intensity, racing against the clock, and finding clues to solve a mystery. I think this really reflects my first 48 days as a member of the East Baton Rouge School Board. It has been a journey to say the least. One that has been filled with controversy, long meetings, and lots of networking. Overall it has been a pleasant experience and a constant race against the clock.

Tramelle Howard, EBR School Board Member for District 3

Being the youngest African American male to ever serve on the East Baton Rouge School Board has not been an easy role to fill. You are under constant pressure from so many different groups all while trying to stay true to who you are and be the best representative of students and families throughout East Baton Rouge. I learned very early that you will never be able to please everybody and you will upset people even when you feel like you’re doing the right thing.

In my very first board meeting I was tasked with voting on an industrial tax exemption for a large corporation. Here I am thinking I would help change the world through education policy and my first meeting has absolutely nothing to do with students and families and everything to do with adults and money. Nevertheless, I cast my vote and voted to reject the corporation’s exemption request. I thought I had made the right decision and really thought it was in the best interest of students and families, but you would have thought I was the referee that stole the Super Bowl from the Saints, no pun intended. The Mayor hosted an emergency press conference, the New York Times called, and business leaders from across the city questioned my ability to properly govern. I can’t lie this was very painful to deal with especially when you constantly feel like you’re racing against the clock. My mom always said the best way to learn is to by jumping in and I can now say I’m glad I just jumped right in. To this day I stand behind my vote and know that I’m more than capable of doing right by families and students. Did I mention that first meeting ran for 7.5 hours?

These first 48 days have taught me so much about who I am, my strengths, my community and my support system. I have a vision that all students in EBR will be able to access high quality schools, high quality programming, and high quality resources. Education saved my life and I was elected to make sure that education works for all kids, especially those who the education system has often failed.

Tramelle getting sworn in to the EBR Parish School Board on January 8, 2019.

As I continue on this journey I will continue to lead from a students first standpoint. I will continue to fight and figure out ways to put more resources inside our schools. I will continue to make sure we are talking about student issues and those issues inside our schools. I believe we can move this district forward and for the next four years I’m committed to doing just that. I stand on the shoulders of giants who fought for me to have a seat at the table and I must ensure that not only am I sitting at the table, but all those around me have access to the table.

So maybe the clock is ending on the first 48, but just like on the TV show when the first 48 runs out you keep fighting until the mystery is solved.

Tramelle Howard represents District 3 on the East Baton Rouge Parish School Board. Follow him on Twitter and like his page on Facebook.



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