The Time is Now: A Recap of Louisiana SB 432


As the Louisiana Legislature’s 2016 Regular Session continues, a bill that outlines a timeline to unify schools in New Orleans passed its final barrier on Thursday, May 5, 2016.

John McCusker/The Times-Picayune New Orleans Charter Science and Math Academy. Wednesday, October 20, 2010.

SB 432 was created with input from school leaders and the community and was co-authored by Senators Karen Carter Peterson, Wesley Bishop, Troy Carter, and JP Morrell, as well as Speaker Pro Tempore Walt Leger, Representatives John Bagneris, Gary Carter, Jimmy Harris, Stephanie Hilferty and Helena Moreno.

As SB 432 made its way through the legislative process, Democrats for Education Reform-Louisiana remained supportive. Here’s a look at the conversation:

April 11

As various state legislators filed numerous anti-charter school bills, DFER-Louisiana State Director Eva Kemp called on lawmakers to stand up for parent choice in Louisiana.

“Louisiana public education has come too far to stop now,” said Kemp. “Studies show that student achievement in charter schools across Louisiana is improving at a remarkable rate. State legislators must continue to provide high-quality public school options for our students, encourage schools to thrive and innovate, and work toward policies that benefit every child in Louisiana. It is essential that Louisiana continue the progress that’s been made on behalf of high-quality public education for all students.”

The Baton Rouge Advocate quoted Kemp in a story that ran on the same day: Gov. John Bel Edwards’ bid to curb growth among charter school measures before Legislature this week.

April 15

The Louisiana Senate Education Committee unanimously passed SB 432. At the same time, a number of anti-charter bills were defeated in committee, signaling to Louisiana voters that legislators intend to preserve school choice across the state.

Former U.S. Senator and DFER-LA Advisory Board Member Mary L. Landrieu weighed in on the La. Senate Education Committee’s passage of SB 432:

“Louisiana and in particular New Orleans continues to lead the nation in innovations to turn around failing and poor preforming public schools . Test scores are improving . Graduation rates are up significantly and parents have more choice and opportunity for student success. Committee actions this week in house and senate continues to support this exciting path forward,” said former U.S. Senator Mary L. Landrieu and DFER Advisory Board Member. “A thoughtful compromise was reached on the school unification bill for New Orleans which will provide elected oversight but also independence and flexibility so important to continued school excellence.”

April 20

The La. Senate passed SB 432 through the chamber by a 36–0 vote and went to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Eliot Kamenitz/The Times-Picayune/2012

The Baton Rouge Advocate quoted DFER-LA State Director Eva Kemp in a story on the bill’s passage: Louisiana Senate advances bill that would return New Orleans schools to local control.

In a prepared statement, Eva Kemp, state director of Democrats for Education Reform Louisiana, said although challenges remain, “this is an opportunity to create a strong, unified and autonomous school system comprised of high-quality schools for each and every student in the city, regardless of their background or zip code.”

April 27

The La. House Education Committee voted 11–2 to pass SB 432 to the full House for consideration.

Sen. Karen Carter Peterson, D-New Orleans, flanked by Recovery School District Superintendent Patrick Dobard (left) and Orleans Parish schools Superintendent Henderson Lewis Jr., April 27, 2016. (Louisiana Legislature video feed) Times-Picyaune’s Danielle Dreilinger penned a piece on the advance of SB 432 through the House Education Committee: ‘2019 is D-Day’: New Orleans school reunification bill advances.

May 3

Democrats for Education Reform’s National President, Shavar Jeffries, offered his take on SB 432 in a piece published by Education Post. Below is an excerpt.

“It’s time for a productive and thoughtful transition to a single unified, autonomous public school system in New Orleans.

“We must finally define and effectively implement a solution that protects and builds upon the remarkable gains in student achievement and school performance from the past 10 years, and brings together the best of what has been working for New Orleans’ students into one district.

“This move toward unification must balance the need for locally elected governance of schools with the flexibility and independence necessary to continue making meaningful progress for students. And, fundamentally, unification must also be a community-led effort.

“That’s why I’m encouraged by the Louisiana Senate’s proposals in SB 432, which is the product of collaboration among local school leaders, parents, stakeholders, advocates and elected officials who have come together to find a lasting solution. This solid foundation of trust and open dialogue will be critical both for the passage and successful transition to a unified system…”

Read the full piece here.

May 5

The House of Representatives took to the floor to debate and vote on SB 432. With a final vote of 55–16, the House passed SB 432. DFER-LA released a statement on the bill’s final passage, and DFER-LA State Director Eva Kemp was quoted in The Baton Rouge Advocate and in a wire story by the Associated Press.

May 12

Dr. Henderson Lewis and Mr. Patrick Dobard, Superintendents of the Orleans Parish School Board and the Recovery School District, respectively, hosted a press conference to announce the Unification Advisory Committee. This committee, made up of 13 education and community leaders, will decide how the schools from the RSD will be returned back to OPSB within the next two years. These leaders include:

That same afternoon, Governor John Bel Edwards, flanked by Senator Karen Carter Peterson, Dr. Henderson Lewis, Superintendent of the Orelans Parish School Board, and Mr. Patrick Dobard, Superintendent of the Recovery School District, signed SB 432 into law. Watch the full press conference here.

From L to R: Patrick Dobard, Sen. Karen Carter Peterson, Gov. John Bel Edwards, and Andy Kopplin, Deputy Mayor and Chief Administrative Officer for the City of New Orleans. [screenshot of livestream from, May 12, 2016]

Stay tuned for more news on SB 432, and follow DFER-LA on Twitter here.



Democrats For Education Reform - Louisiana

We are Democrats leading a political reform organization that supports leaders in our party who champion Louisiana's public schoolchildren.