The Unrest in Karachi

Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2016

Yesterday’s assassination of Amjad Sabri, the attempted assassination of Noha Khawan Faris Ali Waris, and the kidnapping of the Sindh Chief Justice’s son, demonstrate that, as a nation, we must accept that Pakistan is at war with forces within our own borders.

There was a circulation of a recording recently that categorically stated that the Pakistan Army will be directly targeted to discredit them.

We’ve also heard that the Rangers have announced a return to the format of the initial ‎Karachi Operation, which means no mercy for anyone involved in the unrest of Karachi.

Couple that with the supposed announcement that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif won’t return to Pakistan until ‎COAS ‎Raheel Sharif’s tenure has ended, we can see where this is leading.

The past months have also given us a great deal of intrigue with the capture of an Indian spy, the drone strike of Mullah Mansoor in Baluchistan, Modi’s speech describing the “isolation of Pakistan internationally”, the dismantling of the RAW network in Iran and the recent Torkham border attack by the Afghanistan National Army, which gives us a background into what is being planned by our “brotherly” neighbors.

Pakistan is at war, for those who have had doubts.

This is not just a war of military firepower, but one of ideas and conversations. While we have achieved great success on the battlefield, we have failed to counter the ideologies and motivations that drive people to these acts of brutality.

As a nation, we will not win until we change the discussion and the ideas. Until that day comes, we will continue to see more brutality as the dismantled terrorist groups fight for legitimacy in the global terror networks.

We must win this war, as individuals, groups, and organizations, because the media and the government are unable to even formulate a strategy.

Originally published at CommandEleven.




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