DICE Money
2 min readApr 24, 2018


By now you must have heard the news already. Today April 24, 2018 MyEtherWallet warned via tweet that a “couple” Of Its DNS servers had been hacked. So, imagine waking up and logging in to your MEW and within 10 seconds you witnessed an unauthorized transaction, the available money you had in the wallet being sent to another wallet. That was what happened today. Crazy, right?

Data from EtherScan shows that inside 3 hours (07:17–10:15), over $150k worth of ETH had been stolen in the DNS hack.

This serves to reveal another ‘chink in the armour’ that is digital wallet, confirming what many already know — blockchain models are highly vulnerable to attack.

Thankfully, according to recent updates on Reddit, Google’s Public DNS appears to now be resolving to the correct ISP. This is not the first time this is happening. Recall the allegations of a DNS hack levelled at MEW in January by the developers of altcoin Ethereum Blue (BLUE). I can bet that you don’t recall…lol. So ‘this too shall pass’. People will wake up and gradually forget this even happened.

But believe it or not, it will happen again. So isn’t it time that people are jolted back to the reality that perhaps blockchain based technology is in need of an urgent improvement?

And that is what we at Dice money are hoping to successfully tackle through our revolutionary cryptocurrency model that has properties of traditional money and decentralized currency while eliminating the demerits of the two models.

Some of Dice money interesting features include:

- Does not require a special software wallet

- It would have reinforced security measures that would make it difficult to hack or steal DICE tokens (Unlike blockchain, DICE operates on a different principle, closer to how to handle real-world work -
secure and confidential virtual handshake verified by witnesses.)

- DICE allows reversible transactions

- No transaction fees are charged on this model.

And many more…

For more information, join us today


telegram: https://t.me/DiceMoney

