DICE Money
3 min readApr 29, 2018


Here’s everything you wanted to know about Dice all in one place

In simple terms, what is Dice money?

Dice Money is the future of money. It’s a revolutionary model which is simple on the face of it and provides a unique operational model compared with other existing crypto-currencies. The main goal is to allow DICE to enter the everyday life as a normal currency alternative to the traditional money, while at the same time its complete decentralisation gives power to social groups to raise funds through cryptomining.

Advantages of the Dice money model will include: Stability and predictability, Offline and Online transactions with no transaction fees, No special wallets required and it does not rely on exchanges (Click here for more)

Does the name ‘DICE’ suggest an affiliation to any online gambling programs or online betting companies?

No. The name DICE is a shorthand for (Di)gital (Ce)rtificate.

Who are the Key people at Dice?

Konstantin Dimitrov: See profile here

Anthony Johnson: See profile here

Dilip Chandar: See Profile here

I read about DICE and Dicets. Are they the same?


What’s the difference?

DICE is the project’s main product, a non-blockchain digital currency

Dicet is an ERC20 Ethereum-based token for the ICO purpose

Put simply, our Dicet token is sort of a blockchain value holder for DICE. Once the ICO is complete, it will be traded in the popular exchanges.

Will I be able to swap my Dicets for DICE?

Yes, DICE will have the ability to be swapped for actual DICE currency units.

Any other difference?

DICE mining production will keep increasing with the spread of the global ecosystem. On the other hand there will be a fixed number of Dicet tokens.

Is the airdrop still on?

No, we are sorry you missed it.

Airdrop claimed. What happens next?

After the ICO is complete the Dicet bot will PM every group member (join telegram here) to ask them to respond with their ETH address and a voucher code.

Any current bounty opportunities?

Yes, read here

Pre-ICO dates

12 April until 3 May 2018

What is the exchange rate for purchasing dicets during Pre-ICO?

1 ETH = 3333 dicets for the first 100 transactions, 2000 dicets further on.

What’s the start and end for the ICO?

The ICO will start on 11 May 2018, 00:00 GMT and end on 22 July 2018, 00:00 GMT

What is the exchange rate for purchasing dicets during ICO?

1000 dicets/ETH to 500 dicets/ETH

What about soft cap and hard cap?

Soft cap: 3500 ETH, Hard cap: 91300 ETH

When can Dicets be traded on blockchain exchanges?

It should be possible to trade DICET (CET) on blockchain exchanges from July 2018

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