Why is the DICE concept a post-blockchain revolution?

DICE Money
3 min readApr 21, 2018


Just like every new concept DICE is facing the challenge of being initially understood. That is of course sometimes accompanied by direct resistance, mostly coming from the hardcore cryptocurrency speculators, who would not easily accept a replacement, especially one that is intrinsically more predictable and allows less speculation.

DICE however is not aiming at becoming the next crypto of the day, and gone by tomorrow after people have pumped and dumped its price on the global exchanges. DICE is different — it is a concept for money, not “crypto”.

Let’s take a short look at the five biggest reasons which combined make DICE to stand out and differ from the bunch:

1. DICE has no single ledger

DICE is not based on the blockchain’s core principle for a single public transaction ledger. In fact not only there is no single public ledger, but there is no transaction ledger at all. The global economy may consist of millions of unconnected ledgers, some public, others private, but none of them storing any transactions at all. Yet everything works in a perfectly synchronised way.

2. It is practically impossible to steal DICE even if you are a great hacker

Can the greatest ever hacker steal even a single physical atom? The answer is no. Hackers can only steal data, but DICE exist as objects in the real world. In order to steal DICE, first you need to have it, then you need to hack, and that with no guarantee it will ever become yours. And this needs to be repeated individually for every single DICE that the hacker is trying to steal.

3. DICE can be mined offline

Yes, that’s right — offline. The ability for offline mining opens possibilities for some very interesting and advanced fintech products that we will see hopefully coming in the near future. It is worth mentioning that DICE can be also traded offline thus completely closing the supply-demand chain.

4. Clusters unite people around a common goal for funding

One of the biggest problems in the today’s society is inequality. A very few are getting richer, the rest are getting poorer, or just getting by. DICE is an entirely new model of economy in which people have the power to create the tradable assets themselves, and at the same time to help building ventures in which they believe. They become investors without spending anything from their capital. Targeted crowdmining to support your close friend’s funky startup, or for the local hospital or school, or for a million other things — the power of choice is in everyone’s hands, and cost them nothing. Engaging your social network in a fundraising activity without actually making them spend anything — that’s the concept of social finance.

“Crowdmining “ and “Investment mining” are two of the biggest advances that the DICE concept is making in the modern financial world.

5. Absolutely free transactions

Why would anyone agree to get charged for giving money to someone else??

The list however is not ending here. Here is five more, just as hints:

6. Requires no special wallets and no exchanges needed

7. Cutting the middlemen off

8. Gives power to everyone to become a socially significant entity

9. Not based on the presumption of an ever-increasing demand

10. Not affected by the recent and future blockchain hacking and clampdown

And even a couple more:

11. Introduces a new model of initial offering called IDO (Initial DICE Offering)

12. Deterministic value that makes it much less volatile and closer to cash

Hopefully this opens the window toward a better understanding of what DICE is and why it is a revolution. Money has worked great for centuries. Why destroying something good for the prospect of something unproven?

DICE is building on top of the traditional concept for money, not beside it.


