Who are Decentralised Investment Group?

3 min readJan 24, 2022


Decentralised Investment Group (DIG) is a Dubai-based company that is committed to making blockchain technology omnipresent. They are dedicated to ensuring that blockchain pervades all aspects of everyday life. In line with this goal, the company has made investments in numerous products that inculcate the values of decentralisation, financial independence, and individual liberty.

GameFi Investments

DIG has created numerous GameFi products. They believe that blockchain-based games are the future of the gaming world. These games allow players to earn money and in-game assets while simply having fun just like they do with traditional games.

To achieve this goal, DIG is constantly creating innovative and exciting games in the GameFi sector. At the same time, they are buying and converting traditional fan favorite games into new and exciting play-to-earn NFT games.

One of their most recent products is the Kart Racing League, which is the world’s first NFT kart racing game! The game has already been released on Google Play Store and the App Store for Android and iOS devices, so download it now!

DIG has also invested $5 million into Realms of Eternity, a blockchain MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing games), that helped them raise an additional $5 million from investors. Additionally, they are preparing to launch the world’s biggest gaming guild, which makes their diverse gaming portfolio a must for gamers to dive into.

DIG Goals in the GameFi Sector

DIG has several goals in the GameFi sector. One of them is to raise brand awareness regarding titles owned by DIG and associated GameFi products. This includes Blue Monster Games, which is one of the three branches owned by DIG. They aim to attract and engage with like-minded people to build a strong community of gamers that love the products as much as the team behind them. Hence, they are constantly creating and developing fun and innovative games that will continue to attract more and more players and token holders.

Finally, they intend and will aim to increase marketplace transactions across all their products to hit the final destination of being a market leader in the industry.

DeFi Investments

As part of their goal to ensure the blockchain becomes omnipresent, DIG is heavily involved in the DeFi sector. They’re huge believers of the fact that DeFi will help empower citizens in emerging markets by giving them the tools needed to gain financial liberty.

Some of the DIG’s products in the DeFi space include MonsterPad, which is a crypto crowd-funding platform, and Kaiju Wallet, which is a wallet for the DeFi space. With Kaiju Wallet, users also receive an associated Rewards Visa card. Another noteworthy product is Swap Zilla, which is a DEX (decentralised exchanges) aggregator.

Venture Capital Arm

As part of its overarching goal to make blockchain ever-present, DIG has also established a venture capital (VC) arm. Through this arm, DIG will incubate and invest in various products working to make blockchain a part of everyday life, for everyone.

The first investment made by DIG’s VC arm is 44 Club, which is an exclusive private members club backed by an NFT collection. On Sunday 23rd January 2022, DIG held a private pre-whitelist event for 44 Club in the Four Seasons Hotel, Dubai. Besides 44 Club, they are also incubating an NFT collection and game dubbed Original Myths.


Decentralised Investment Group (DIG) is a company dedicated to making blockchain a part of everyday life by investing in startups and products in this sector. Their global expansion efforts will focus on the emerging markets of the world such as, Philippines, Brazil, and India. These nations show much promise as they have already embraced blockchain. DIG has a noble goal that will go a long way towards making the world a more equitable place using blockchain technology. And being based in Dubai- the booming crypto hub, makes it the perfect place to showcase this!

To stay up to date with all things DIG, follow their Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

