DIII College Ultimate Frisbee

DIII College Ultimate
2 min readApr 24, 2016



Ultimate frisbee is one of the fastest growing sports in America. From gym class in middle school to College Championships, it is also becoming widely popular in school systems across the states. As it is with any new sport, most do not know much of the history and backstory surrounding it. It is important to know such things about a sport, and that is exactly what this book hopes to provide.


Ultimate frisbee is one of the only college sports that is officiated by the players on the field. Therefore, all fouls, violations, etc. are called and discussed on field. This means that all players involved with the sport need to know the rulebook inside and out, in order to prevent any conflict between players. This book aims to provide any and all information regarding the establishment of the rule, why it exists, and how it helps.


Team spirit is integral in any great ultimate team and as such, and as such, any team well versed in the roots of ultimate frisbee will be better equipped to be a coherent team that operates with a single goal in mind. But spirit isn’t just about one thing. Spirit, in ultimate frisbee, means giving the other team a loud cheer, even after a tough loss. It can be hard, but spirit is what separates great ultimate teams from good ones.

The DIII College Ultimate handbook is one that you and your team don’t want to miss. Containing vital information ranging from history to the cold, hard rules, this book would not only be beneficial for an ultimate frisbee team, but also to the curious individual simply trying to learn more about the sport.

The more you know, the more you ultimate.

