DIM Announces Open Source Tools for Developers and Exchanges

1 min readFeb 8, 2018

The DIM Ecosystem has integrated the GitHub development platform where open source codes can be reviewed, projects managed and software can be built alongside millions of other developers, all under the MIT license. This is a further step towards transparency, where programmers can develop for DIM, on an open-sourced version-control platform.

DIM CLI (Command Line Interface) is developed to facilitate the integration of payment processes for DIMCOIN transactions. DIM Community Developers and exchanges can make use of the new Software Development Kit (SDK) to build applications and integrations for the DIM Ecosystem.

The DIM CLI simplifies the listing of DIMCOIN for exchanges. Exchanges as well as developers can easily make use of this SDK to monitor addresses and create transactions on the NEM Blockchain for DIM assets. The SDK aims to provide an easy to use Command Line Tool Suite for the DIM Ecosystem, suitable for exchanges and the integration of DIM assets into third-party software.

Link to GitHub: https://github.com/dimcoindev/dim-cli

Feel free to contribute wherever you think you can help, DIMCOIN bounties will be forthcoming. #DIMlovers are much appreciated!




The Data Interchange Module cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer, quantity committed, secure, private and robust digital medium of exchange. https://www.dimcoin.io/