DIM End of Year Announcement

5 min readDec 12, 2018


Dear community.

We would like to thank all persons for giving your all, to make this a fruitful success and a humbling welcome to GMEX and MINDEX group of companies as we form our new family. We appreciate your time taken to read our closing note for the year and unfortunately due to our wait for the all important licence in Mauritius to come online, has led us to the delay of the live trading as previously mentioned for December. This involvement with government regulatory has further defined HYBSE International Marketplace and its level of heavy scrutiny towards the process of due diligence for all proposed companies to be listed. Both parties are taking every precaution to ensure that the best possible outcome is achieved as to set a global standard moving forward. However, we remain steadfast and will update you on the release date, coming soon in Q1 2019. Through this collaboration of the three visionary companies, the transfer of jurisdiction has been moved from Vanuatu to Mauritius and therefore, bolstering us towards a prosperous 2019.

A preconceived design in the DIM Ecosystem’s products and services awarded the opportunity to have the ecosystem suite which can be implemented in many different fields of work, thus opening further opportunities. We are currently focusing on a showcase of these possibilities through businesses and individuals around the globe. An example can be seen in our DIMPAY Showcase video (link below) and our growing vendor network through our DIM Ambassadors:

Vendors accepting DIM Currencies
DIMPAY showcase video — purchasing pizza

Further projects are currently under way with others planned for the future, as the goal of mass adoption becomes more and more possible with each application.

Additionally, we have provided for your perusal a financial overview for the year of 2018. This is an expenditure report that highlights the 3 main site offices and external consulting services globally and represents a reflection of how the TOKEN sale investment has been put to good use during this period.

Expenditure report: https://adobe.ly/2QQzcVk

A message from Daniel Liu, Executive Operations Manager

“A successful 2018 has led us to the fruits of the labour and although many challenges arose and set us back, it was only for a moment in time. The solutions and efforts from the community, as well as the dedication of the participants within the ecosystem as a whole, made it a reality to be where it is today.

By far our greatest achievement to date, is the successful development and creation of the Hybrid Stock Exchange (HYBSE). The platform, software and future API integrations, coupled with a supporting foundation of all our stablecoins (DIM Currencies) will surely lead the future of all monetary transactions into a new digital age with true value, true backing and true accountability on the blockchain.

Throughout the development period, management has been working tirelessly to establish future connections, roll out programmes and techniques of mass adoption of all products and services that the ecosystem has to offer, even during a time when the products were not yet finalised, green field projects were being established. Now as we end off the year, we have multiple responses from national and local governments, and institutions requesting from us, to develop various models that look at a bright and holistic adoption of the DIM Ecosystem into their various economies. During the past key roll out phases, which took place during October through to November 2018, we are now able to showcase the full potential of the DIM Ecosystem to high level decision makers and strong market leaders. As of now and during the interim over the festive break, we will continue to map out a successful delivery process for all engaged parties wishing to use our ecosystem suite at the beginning of Q1 2019.

Now, furthermore, a taste of what 2019 holds for us and to calm the emotions, there will be an initial and world’s first approach to usher in an education payment solution for students, that will lead to the creation of micro-financing and an integration between campus merchants that co-exists with a student lifestyle. We believe in the strong minds that will shape the world of tomorrow, so why not shape them with the DIM Ecosystem and with this collaboration, we aim to develop the world into something greater. Much of the focus has been placed on Southern Africa as we believe that the framework and challenges that exist in this region, are together a conducive playing field for us to dream, create, measure and impact positively.

Many other projects are scheduled whereby, a linear taxation system can be applied for government bodies and entities that wish to uplift the impoverishment of rural communities and how the blockchain provides an accountability towards what has always torn Africa apart, corruption, manipulation and lack of transparency. This can be done through multiple modelling designs and based on various analyses of African nations. We will certainly be a forefront technology partner to bring Africa to the level of a global competitive continent.

To continue on positive news and while only few details can be mentioned due security reasons, we have multiple gold exchanges, refineries and vault security companies that are already established in contractual basis. We are now ready to handle DIM Currencies throughout the world economy, in full capacity.

We at the company will always maintain our most humble and honest gratitude towards the community, participants within the community and any other stakeholders in the DIM Ecosystem. We must also remember that we are challenged by many adversaries and that our silence is not that which resonates to a cowardly and sheltered stance but rather that we choose to listen to what frequencies exist in the silence. Many competitors wish for us to be further delayed, further hampered and further removed all together. The ecosystem is a living, breathing, real organism and its initial ideal is to ensure that those who were previously disadvantaged through a financial system, are now able to participate in this financial system. As we ascend to the pinnacle, we will need all your support, all your endeavours, and all your positive feedback to maintain our climbing growth for everyone.

The DIM offices will be on limited capacity from a correspondence level, from the 21st of December 2018 to the 7th of January 2019. Please note that there will be no announcements and/or news posted during this time, however, support, IT infrastructure and development teams will be working tirelessly onward.”

The DIM Movement has begun, join us in shaping the future. We wish you a joyful festive season and a prosperous 2019.

The DIM Movement’s first video





The Data Interchange Module cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer, quantity committed, secure, private and robust digital medium of exchange. https://www.dimcoin.io/