DIM Weekly Update

1 min readMar 26, 2018


As we continue to work towards our vision, here are this week’s updates:

The first phase of due diligence has been completed for the Ambassadors’ position. There are 30 potential Ambassadors selected from various countries around the globe who are now in the final phase of selection. Once the final phase is completed, the official DIMCOIN Ambassadors will be selected.

Furthermore, our development team is in the final stage of implementing the hardware wallet, Trezor, into Depotwallet. Final testing has begun and the community can expect it to be done this week with the official release being next week. Security is very important to us so we will urge DIMCOIN holders with a large amount to eventually use this, pre-orders for branded Trezor wallets will be opened next week.

On that point of security, we again urge Basic Wallet holders to create and use the Premium Wallet instead of the Basic Wallet for increased protection. If you require assistance with this, kindly email support@depotwallet.com.

Lastly, we plan to be listed on a new exchange this Friday. More information will follow.




The Data Interchange Module cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer, quantity committed, secure, private and robust digital medium of exchange. https://www.dimcoin.io/