HYBSE Soft launch and IBO

4 min readJul 30, 2019


We are proud to present some of the latest innovations of the new HYBSE design, with the IBO (Initial Blockshare Offering) feature. This HYBSE version is the foundation and basis for us to build a global, unique and decentralized digital Stock Exchange.

While we still have many updates planned, we require the time needed for developing. There is a lot of work to be done and regardless of the challenges that come our way, the future is still looking bright. The full potential of HYBSE will be shown towards the end of September/beginning of October 2019.


A first of its kind, the Initial Blockshare Offering (IBO) gives the opportunity to purchase a digital share (called Blockshare) of a real company, before its listed on the HYBSE. You become a shareholder with all respective rights and obligations. You are able to buy or sell a share anytime, anywhere and can be eligible for voting rights and dividend payouts, making you a part of the company. See the latest IBO listing today at the bottom of this announcement.

For users:
Register your account or log into your account on www.hybse.com. Next, go to the “IBO” tab and click on the company profile name or the blue icon link next to each profile. You will see a “IBO-Buy” window that shows the predetermined IBO price which includes the discounted amount, known as the “cut-rate”. Simply choose an amount and click on the “Buy Order” button. The shares will then be booked into your HYBSE account and blocked for the duration of the IBO. The same action can be done from the company details view page that shows all the company’s information. You will be able to trade your shares once the listing date has passed.

For Issuers:
Register your account or log into your account on www.hybse.com. Choose the “IBO” function when registering or go to the IBO tab from your dashboard. The HYBSE listing team will accompany you through the process while you get your International Blockshare Identification Number (IBIN) at www.ibin.io.


The latest HYBSE design includes new features such as improved process flow for website navigation and better user experience optimization. We have chosen a minimalistic approach where we believe “less is more”.

Stock Exchanges are all about data which inspired the question of how we can present the data in a comfortable and understanding way for beginners as well as experienced traders. The “Company Detail Overview” feature is interactive and simple to use, read and understand. The databases are modified with interactive data and for the first time in history the register is open to the public via the blockchain. Additional information is connected via hyperlinks and displays data such as dual listings and social media channels. Use the Company Detail Overview to track your company, and its directors, to get a complete company overview. Use this information to help you decide on your investment interests.

DIM Currencies

DIM currencies are an integral part of the trading concept on the Blockchain and are required to trade on the Hybrid Stock Exchange. Speculative cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or DIMCOIN are not suitable for trading assets due to their high volatility. Using them opens up a speculation layer not related to company performance. Therefore, the DIM Foundation has created their own stable coins, the DIM currencies that are backed by 80% precious metals and 20% cash covered. DIM currencies are secured by assets, which means that the currencies are linked to real values and not to money creation. It is always good to believe in the interest rate model, but it is better to trust that a currency is completely covered 1:1. With DIM Currencies, we have created the ideal exchange medium between Fiat and Blockchain. DIM Currencies will initially be available to exchange in nine significant currencies.


DIM X is still under maintenance. We estimate to be back online in the next few days.

King Kong Organics

King Kong Organics is the very first IBO to begin on HYBSE. Both teams are highly enthusiastic and excited to showcase the how IBOs will work going forward. King Kong Organics team shares a common goal of integrating consumers, distributors and investors in one cannabis domain. With an objective to build a premium brand, KKOG has signed partnerships with African countries like South Africa and Zimbabwe as well as agreements with countries such as Colombia, Mongolia and Haiti. These agreements discuss licensing, distribution and extraction as well as access to pharmacies and dispensaries.

To find out more, visit their landing page here: https://bit.ly/312jMyU

or their website here: http://kingkongorganics.com/

King Kong Organics is also listed under the IBO section on HYBSE: https://stock.hybse.com/ibo-company/53

If you would like to invest, simply pay the amount of your investment to Da Vinci Capital Partners GmbH, Credit Suisse, in Switzerland, and the funds will be booked into your HYBSE account. During the IBO period, registered users can purchase KKOG shares at the following discounts:

Period 1–35% (July 29 — August 11)
Period 2–25% (August 12 — August 25)
Period 3–15% (August 26 — September 1)

The IBO discounts will end on September 1, 2019 with live trading on HYBSE to begin on September 2, 2019. Please note that the shares will be blocked during the IBO period.

Should you have questions pertaining to FIAT transactions kindly contact our support at support@hybse.global




The Data Interchange Module cryptocurrency is a peer-to-peer, quantity committed, secure, private and robust digital medium of exchange. https://www.dimcoin.io/