2 min readMar 16, 2017


enjoyed the read…

Sometimes we fall prey to perception and freeze instead of staying the course… opinions to be respected but a white picket fence might not be important and keeping up with the jones is not very high on your priority list or you might have to sacrifice for family to provide (admirable)….

Never lose your vision of you… keep moving forward, but never is it straight, as sometimes “Duty to protect” calls…

Giving up is an option… it teaches a lesson not to be learned by (children, partners, etc) loved ones.

Integrity, trust, honesty, love, passion and more… never give up on your dreams as you will not only let yourself down but leave loved ones thinking it is ok to give up no matter what the obstacles. Those values seem to provide the drive to make sure we empower our children who know their Daddy or Mommy or mentor who blocked out bad noise and kept moving forward never giving up on their dreams… lots of lessons…

Agree focus, filter noise, perseverance and love… not easy but powerful to pass on.

Not saying right or wrong — just chiming in on my view, probable not the norm or popular as most I think feel “get up, go to work, come home with nothing to say, provide and live for the weekend”… makes me want to sing ‘angels from Montgomery’ but maybe pleasant-ville is your dream — if so follow it and never let go…

So Whether a picket fence or a football player or creating innovative platforms collaborating with folks that have no ego, greed but have a conscious to form ideation through disrupting marketplaces which is inevitable… only two cents would be do it your way (but listen and don’t be afraid to fail as if you do.. you are one step closer and if it fits your values give back and pay it forward in your own way… not sure about all but it is the most gratifying piece for me/us…

compelled to add to your thoughts… thanks for sharing yours!

