How to Create Raving Fan Clients

Darren Kaberna
6 min readMar 2, 2016


As I sit here reflecting upon my business and how we work to create raving fan clients, I want to share how I became a raving fan client of Tony Robbins. Nearly a year and a half after attending Tony Robbins UPW (Unleash the Power Within), I can definitively say my life is forever changed.

When my wife and I attended UPW, our marriage was on the rocks to say the least. I nearly begged my wife to attend with me. At the time, she agreed, perhaps begrudgingly but nonetheless went. In those few short days, our marriage healed unlike a year of intense marital counseling had been able to accomplish. That program gave us the frame work to help us get over our past.

Unleash the Power Within (UPW)- as a program is about looking at your past and what has become your limiting beliefs. So many of us, myself included, were taught somethings as children that have become part of our being. Some of these things have served us well and others have definitely held us back from attaining so much more with ourselves. All of this was applicable to my marriage, my personal life and business. At this event, not only did my wife and I have massive breakthroughs, but we also signed up for most all of Tony Robbins other programs.

With this jumpstart, I then attended Tony Robbins Business Mastery program. What is interesting for me is to see what most people think of him. Most people think Tony Robbins is just a motivational speaker who gets you fired up. Which he definitely does! What he really does is so much more. At Business Mastery you realize what a brilliant business man he is. He doesn’t just fire you up about life and your business, but then gives you the framework with which to transform both your life and business. At Business Mastery, I walked away with a plan to transform my business. After this, I felt addicted to the energy, the passion and the better plans for life and business. I then started sending my employees through UPW to get them exposed to this different way of thinking.

The irony of wanting to expose my team to this way of thinking is that I founded and own a Dental Coaching Company, Accelerate My Practice. My company helps dentists transform how they view their team, patients and business. For years we have been teaching similar content to Tony Robbins, now with what we have learned from him and his company, we have put what we do on steroids. For us it is all about helping dentists improve the health of their patients and if this is done, the business goals will take care of themselves. Or as Tony would say, “add more value than anyone else!” If you consistently do this, you will dominate within your field.

My next program was Tony’s Date With Destiny (DWD). This program makes all the others looks like child’s play. Here he takes 3,000 people through a process of understanding your own internal conflict. Why do those silly little voices within your head say things that undermine your future and confidence. I could write pages about the conflict I uncovered about myself here but will share only one example. Before sharing this, I want to say, the impact on my marriage was even more profound than UPW. These programs all build upon the previous, brilliant design. So my wife and I have continued to improve our marriage since UPW, but were still lacking the chemistry to have the marriage of our dreams. On the second day of DWD, we learned why our marriage was missing the chemistry to be the marriage you see in the movies.

Tony shares that polarity is the key to chemistry and explains that how different masculine and feminine energy is and should be. With a few demonstrations that I won’t ruin for those that haven’t attended yet, it becomes obvious that over the years, she has become more masculine and I had become more feminine in our marriage. The irony is that in my business I have always been very masculine but when I went home, I became a different person. I also had a very wrong impression of what masculinity was. I thought is was the tough guy in the movies who has a gun, shoots the bad guys and then “takes” the ladies, James Bond. How wrong I was!! What I learned is that a truly masculine man, Tony as an example, can listen, hear and feel his woman. Won’t rush into fix it but rather will just be there with her through what she goes through and won’t try to make her into a non-feeling man. I’m sure to some you are thinking, duh! I assure you there are more men like myself than like what Tony modeled with people in the crowd or himself. My wife and I came home more connected and more deeply connected than we have ever been. What a transformation.

Our next program is Life and Wealth Mastery. I won’t write here about these having not yet experienced them, but if they are anything like the others, holy cow I can’t wait!! Generally Life Mastery is about your own vitality. So many of us have set our goals at “getting by” from a health prospective vs living a life of vitality and energy. Anyone who has attended any of his programs knows he isn’t just getting by from an energy perspective!! The question becomes, what can we do differently from a health perspective to enjoy that level of energy every day and all day? Wealth Mastery is a similar concept but regarding your finances. His book, Money Master The Game, outlines what I expect will be some of the content. Given my experiences with my marriage and business, I can’t wait for these upcoming transformations in other areas of my life!

So regarding creating raving fans, what can be learned? If you add more value than anyone else, guess what your clients will do for you? They will reciprocate that value and refer their friends and family. The number of people I have referred to the Tony Robbins organization is a bit crazy. I have purchased most every services he offers and over time will likely purchase them all. I am a raving fan of him and his company. I employee one of his coaches Melissa as my personal coach. The value she brings to me regularly is also mind blowing. His entire organization just keeps driving transformative value to me, my family, my marriage and my business. So as you reflect upon your business, how much value do you give your clients? How can you give them more value? How can you serve the people around you at a higher level? I choose the word serve specifically, I don’t think in my past I served people, I think I exchanged service for payment. I would hope it was a even exchange. Now I give way more than they pay for and I do it with a spirit of joy, in short I serve all around me.

This brings me back to how and why I started this journey and how I first became a raving fan. I was desperately seeking help in my marriage. I wanted Tony Robbins to change or fix my wife. In the end, he changed and fixed me, where the problem really existed. My old motives were sadly selfish, unbeknownst to me. I thought I was doing the right things. Now through the paradigm of history, I now do it completely differently. I now serve people. Tony Robbins has added more value to society in my mind than anyone else I have ever met. I have met many motivational speakers and many big name ones. They certainly have value in what they do, but I have never met someone who gives away more content and value than Tony Robbins. He gives himself away to all that he meets. If you ever get a chance to shake his hand, you will feel his heart beaming out and sending you energy. As you can tell, I am a raving fan!! Are your clients?

Tony’s biggest fan,

Darren Kaberna, Founder and President of Accelerate My Practice

Darren and Christine Kaberna at UPW (left) and Date With Destiny (right)



Darren Kaberna

CEO of Bright Ideaz & @AccelerateMyPractice. Motivational Speaker and Business Hustler.