Understanding DeFiMetaChain: A Simplified Technical Overview

The Structure: At its core, DeFiChain has 3 main layers:

DMC Universe
3 min readNov 23, 2023
  1. The UTXO layer — DeFiChain is anchored to the Bitcoin blockchain
  2. The DeFiChain Virtual Machine (DVM) — Safe DeFi
  3. The Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) — Turing complete, unlimited possibilities

These layers serve different but complementary purposes in the ecosystem.

But how are these layers connected? We’ll focus on DVM and EVM.

  • DVM Layer: The DVM layer represents DeFiChain’s native environment. It’s where DeFiChain’s unique features and tokens, like dUSD, dTSLA, or dBTC exist.
  • EVM Layer: The EVM layer is another a new layer which uses a technology that is widely used in the crypto space by various blockchains such as Ethereum or Polygon. So Ethereum and EVM is NOT the same thing. Ethereum just uses the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) to run smart contracts on its blockchain. Now DeFiChain adopts the EVM as well and joins the party!

Interaction Between Layers: EVM allows for the movement and utilization of native DeFiChain tokens within the EVM layer.

→ From Lightwallet (DVM) to MetaMask (EVM)

Before we start, make sure your light wallet is set to DVM!

Then, go copy your MetaMask address and paste it into the lightwallet when sending funds. Click send, approve and done ✅

Make sure you already added the DeFiMetaChain Network to your MetaMask wallet. If you haven’t already, here’s how to do it with one single click!

When you send other tokens than $DFI, you have to add them manually to your MetaMask wallet via the ‘’import tokens’’ tab. On DMC Universe you can add $DUSD and $HOSP per one-click your MetaMask as well. Other tokens will follow ASAP!

Once the transaction is done, navigate to DMC Universe and search for your token. Then click ‘’add’’, and verify in your MetaMask. Done! (Make sure you use the chrome browser).

Here’s a short video tutorial:

As you can see, you DON’T have to switch to EVM in the Lightwallet to send funds to your MetaMask.

→ From MetaMask (EVM) back to Lightwallet (DVM) Before we start, make sure your light wallet is set to EVM!

Then, go copy your Lightwallet address and paste it into the MetaMask wallet when sending funds. Click send, approve and done

Once you received your funds in the Lightwallet (EVM side) you have to send them to the DVM side of the Lightwallet. Therefore copy the address of the DVM side of the light wallet (switch back the DVM mode on top), switch back again to EVM and paste in the address when sending. Click send, approve and done ✅

Important to understand is, that DMC projects such as VanillaSwap can add the native dTokens in EVM form to their DEXs. Like this they can thrive demand! And if theres demand for dToken on the EVM layer it must be filled from the native layer.

So, if someone needs dTSLA on EVM side, they must get it from the native side first! Maybe someone wants to do Liquidity Mining on JellySwap and therefore needs it!



DMC Universe

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